Personal Connections
In my recent years of my life I have single or grouped down a person because of their race or financial stability . What I am connecting with the author of the story was that I had grouped out a person during a soccer match because they did not have good looking cleats, that person had old sole ripped shoes that kinda exposed the toe. What happened was that I thought he couldn’t play the game the way I do because I was signed up and played for a lot of clubs and I thought just because he did not have good shoes he didn’t know how to play. …show more content…
During the time we were walking home from the rec center and we were passing a elementary school in montbello and we saw a person who was playing basketball alone and had brand new Jordans with all kinds of new nike gear and a bunch of guys walked up to ask to play a basketball game. What happened next was pretty funny, we stayed to watch the game for a while because we had nothing to do when we got home and the guy who had all the brand new gear was the person who was doing the worse usually you would think people who have a lot of gear are good but it was the complete opposite with this guy we