| Stimulate resp center of brain CV system by the carotid arteries and upper aorta…
The information in this assignment will consist of a comparison with depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants, accompanied by a theoretical reason or justification of why one would select any of these given drugs. Furthermore, to examine and evaluate the state or condition amongst the drugs, comprised of composition, manufacture/cultivation, how they are use, and their physical and psychological consequences on the human body. The identity of a specific theory, such as anomie, differential association, social control, cultural deviance, labeling, behaviorism, behavior medication, or cognitive learning, which best explains why one would…
The purpose of this paper is to provide information about the drugs Alcohol, Aspirin, Lidocaine, Morphine, Ketamine and succinylcholine. It’s important to understand what they are, what they do, how they are broken down in the body (physically and chemically) and what diseases they can either treat or cause. Certain drugs do certain things. Alcohol can lower inhibitions while Morphine can completely take away pain for hours at a time. I briefly explain these above drugs and give details about each.…
Drugs Medication Effect of Alcohol by BAC Level BAC Level Effect 0.10 - 0.50 Average individual appears normal Mild euphoria, talkativeness, decreased inhibitions, decreased 0.30 - 1.20 attention, impaired judgment, increased reaction time Emotional instability, loss of critical judgment, impairment of memory 0.90 - 2.50 and comprehension, decreased sensory response, mild muscular incoordination Confusion, dizziness, exaggerated emotions (anger, fear, grief) impaired visual perception, decreased pain sensation, impaired 1.80 - 3.00 balance, staggering gait, slurred speech, moderate muscular incoordination Apathy, impaired consciousness, stupor, significantly decreased 2.70 - 4.00 response to stimulation, severe muscular incoordination, inability to stand or walk, vomiting, incontinence of urine and feces Unconsciousness, depressed or abolished reflexes, abnormal body 3.50 - 5.00 temperature, coma, possible death from respiratory paralysis Alcohol content in different drinks Drink Alcohol content Light beer…
Stimulants can be used to speed up the central nervous system making a person fell more alert and aware of their surroundings. Depressants are the opposites and reduce the activity of the nervous system and produce a feeling of calm and/or “taking the edge off”. Hallucinogenics can be used to make an individual have hallucinations and have distortions in space and time. The use of drugs can cause the neurotransmitters to stop the production of certain chemicals need for healthy brain function. The blockage of second messengers, which are the chemical and electrical process which that occur in the receiving neuron, make the user need to take more of the drug in order to try to reproduce the affect on the brain. Some of the signs of use can be physical such as: rapid weight gain or loss, random eye movement, enlarged pupils, uncontrolled muscle movement, and redness of eyes. Changes and mood and behavior doing things that are out of the norm. Also great shifts in emotional stability from being very excited and happy to being depressed and suicidal.…
Alcohol has the ability to depress the central nervous system, it slows down the brain, and delivers a…
Some popular Central Nervous Systems Depressants are Alcohol, Barbiturates, Opioids and Benzodiazepines. These substances can be administrated orally and intravenously. The effects of these substances can be withdrawal which can cause delirium tremors, seizures, fever and much more. The worst being possibly death. Tolerance being another effect that can cause cross-tolerance causing overdose. In long-term the chronic effects of these substances can be dangerous to every organ. There can be permanent loss of memory, cirrhosis of the liver and many more problematic bodily symptoms. In conclusion these central nervous system depressants are legally available and can also cause some of the most detrimental effects on the human body.…
Medication for ADHD can cause a great deal of overdose for children that have ADHD. Their bodies will get addicted to the medication when they cannot do without them. If a patient stop taking it, their bodies will shut –down and start reacting in a strange way. These hidden symptoms can cause behavioral analysis that can evaluate the effect in medication that has form in the children body. It all starts from genetics, which cause ADHD, so it can be diagnose from the medication that can help the situation. This could be a good thing or a bad situation. The real risk factor of taking medication could start at birth or afterbirth.…
This source is part of “The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Series 2” and explains the effect of using drugs on the brain. In depth, the source talks about how the brain works, and how the use of various drugs affects the brain. One section in the book is about using stimulants, specifically amphetamine and cocaine, and how it may affect the brain. It’s not just the bad affects on the brain, it also talks about some of the good affects the drugs may put upon the brain,…
Alcohol is a drug found in beer, wine, and liquor that causes intoxication. Alcohol can impair a person’s physical and emotional state. Intoxication is the physical and mental changes produced by drinking alcohol (Friedman, Stine, and Whaten 2242). Some people believe that beer and wine are safer than liquor which leads them to believe that it is okay to drink. The truth is that one 12 ounce bottle of beer or a 5 ounce glass of wine is equal to the amount of alcohol in a 1.5 ounce shot or liquor and can cause the same effects (“Facts About Alcohol”). Short term effects of alcohol include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, coma, death, blackout, memory loss, poor vision, reduced reaction time, and loss of judgement along with self control (Friedman,…
Alcohol and smoking cigarettes are common drugs that are freely available in Australian society but also caused significant damage to individuals and society. Approximately 7% of male deaths, 4% of female deaths can be attributed to alcohol. Alcohol is a ‘depressant’ which means it slows down the nervous system. The effects of alcohol are dependant on the amount consumed.…
A propers brain development had been put at risk by over consuming alcohol beverages. Mental issues like depression and anxiety may exacerbate when alcohol is being consumed. Also, alcohol abuse ofter creates mental frustrations. In fact,” the National Comorbidity Survey found in 1997 that alcoholics were two to three times more likely than non-alcoholics to also have an anxiety disorder. Another study, NIAAA’s National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey, found that those with a history of alcohol dependence (even former drinkers), had a more than fourfold-increased risk for a major depressive episode than those without a history of alcohol dependence” (1) . Although frequent teenage alcohol abuse may cause a drastic body changes. The loss or even gain weigh are may be very severe, which also may lead the abuser to feel depressed,anxious or even suicidal. In fact, Alcohol is involved over a quarter of all suicides in the US (approximately 7500 per year).…
There is an increasing problem with college students abusing stimulant medications such as ADHD medications. In my paper I observed the problem college schools are having with substance abuse, potential reasons why this is happening and how we can put an end to it. I used research conducted my others to support my findings and arguments and to help better understand the problem this is.…
Alcohol is a common and easily obtainable drug that has been socially accepted in many countries. Alcohol is a ‘depressant drug.’ It slows down the actions of the central nervous system and lowers heart and breathing rates, allowing many people to ‘relax.’ The drug doesn’t affect the body as much if it is taken in right amounts; however if the drug is abused, it can be very harmful. Even though many people are aware of the negative effects of alcohol, people still decide to drink as it helps them unwind and have a ‘good time.’…
Many people are diagnosed with depression and anxiety in their lifetime, and anybody is prone to it. Whether it be bipolar or another type, most people go through it at least once in their lifetime, usually when they’re younger than twenty. Antidepressants are not good for children under the age of eighteen because their brains are not fully developed at that point in their lives. Antidepressants are full of chemicals and hormones that may not be healthy for those of a younger age,there could be horrible long term effects, and it’s a possibility that this medication wouldn’t even work. It’s very dangerous and very risky.…