of all the sins people have made and their punishment. In comparison to the article `New Rules for Cigarette Makers` they discuss how choosing to smoke cigarettes can be very harmful. American Cancer Society reports “that cigarettes and the smoke they release contain over 4,000 chemicals. More than 60 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer. The FDA is also concerned about the combination of certain ingredients. These combinations may actually make tobacco even more toxic or addictive.”(Associated press). Smoking can be very harmful to your body and if one decides to smoke one is truly making a dangerous decision. In conclusion, people should be careful about the choices they make so they do not end up hurting themselves or others.
of all the sins people have made and their punishment. In comparison to the article `New Rules for Cigarette Makers` they discuss how choosing to smoke cigarettes can be very harmful. American Cancer Society reports “that cigarettes and the smoke they release contain over 4,000 chemicals. More than 60 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer. The FDA is also concerned about the combination of certain ingredients. These combinations may actually make tobacco even more toxic or addictive.”(Associated press). Smoking can be very harmful to your body and if one decides to smoke one is truly making a dangerous decision. In conclusion, people should be careful about the choices they make so they do not end up hurting themselves or others.