Luke Skywalker, princess Leia and Darth Vader are main protagonists that star in the film “Star Wars: A new hope,” a timeless antagonistic battle between good and evil. Like the Buddhist moral values, Luke and Princess Leia use the same values of kindness, compassion and empathy. The reprehensible Lord Vader and Governor Tarkin perilously want the power and control of the force, which was subconsciously controlling their actions and thoughts, making them underestimate the ability of their opponents’ .The freedom fighters, Obi Wan Kenobi and princess Leia have more power than Darth and Tarkin are aware of. Due to their naive and egotistical mental state, results in the major affliction in the loss of their powers in the force.
During the capture of Princess Leia, Darth Vader underestimates the resources …show more content…
Lord Vader and Governor Tarkin’s egotistical and arrogant mind set has overruled and undervalued the resources and capability of the rebel’s power. This is ill-starred when Darth Vader convinces Governor Tarkin to allow the rebels to “escape” from the Death Star, as he has placed a tracker on the ship which he intends to track the rebels back to their home with. After gaining the plans of the ship the rebel fighters set out to take out the Death Star, with Governor Tarkin’s over confidence and arrogance mind set prevents him from seeing that the rebels may succeed in their plan to destroy the Death Star. He refuses to consider them as even a small threat to his power in the universe. Despite the fact that Tarkin has been informed that the Rebels attack plan has worked, he still flatly refuses to evacuate the Death Star, believing that his informer is ‘over estimating’ the rebels chances. The blindness and hedonistic attitude cause the decease of