The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement, which dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th century, "The Century of Philosophy". At the end of the seventh century and beginning of eighteen century, the Catholic Church lost lots of it power in Europe. The time before the Enlightenment ages was called Dark ages. In the eighteen century, the new authority (teaching science) replaced the old authority. Majority of people were rejecting the Catholic Church and tried to learn about the new sciences. Adam Smith the economist and Newton the physics are the few people from that era. It is interesting to see that people moved on from Church and tried something new. I believe most people were tired of the ruler (church) who never had logical answers the …show more content…
we had four industrial revolutions so far. first was used of water and steam, the second used electronic power for mass production and third was the use of electronics and information technology to automate production. The fourth industrial revolution is about using the technology that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. The third and fourth revolutions might look the same but fouth revolution has much faster speed compared to last three. like the last three revolutions, the fourth one is here to make life easier for society. In the history of mankind, we never had access to information as we do today. everything is one click away from us. the cost of trades will significantly reduce and more people have access to the services. The suppliers are using this technology as well. it helps them to find an efficient way to connect to the consumers. It will also affect the states. Governments have to adapt to new changes if they want to make new regulations. Overall the fourth industrial revolution will change everything and people who stay behind are the one losing. technology had a huge impact on my life and the way I'm studying every day. I can not imagine how people were living without access to the internet or social