Going to Nottingham Forest
Enjoying the trip
Get separated from others
My feelings
Mobile phone and my effort
Help arrived
I was found
Finally the day has arrived for our class trip. On that fine morning with so much of excitement, my class children went hiking and exploring the jungle outside Nottingham. In the forest, we were so thrilled over the waterfalls, jungle creepers, and the gigantic trees that we came across. We watched monkeys swinging on the branches of trees and eating wild fruits. The walk went off without a glitch and we enjoyed every minute of it.
‘Hey buddies, let’s play hide-and-seek, shrieked Raj. We started our game. We were so engrossed in or discoveries of our hiding places behind massive trees and forgot the time was slipping by quickly. Suddenly, I heard Mrs Tay’s faded voice from a far ‘Hurry up, its getting dark and time to leave’. At that point only, I realized, I was quite a far from my teachers and other friends. I ran here and there, round and round in the circle, to locate my other mates but found none. I called each one of them by their names. I did not know what else I should do, apart from screaming and crying. Slowly I came to the sense that I had wandered deep into the jungle and away from the track which I had followed while entering the jungle. I realized I had become lost in the maze of trees and creepers.
I wrestled the panic monster behind these thoughts and fought to keep myself calm. But I felt dreadful. Part of my brain started working on scenarios : if I wasn’t found again by this evening; injury, death and so on. I had to shake myself back to calm. There was still hope.
Again, a thousand thoughts entered my mind immediately. How will I find my way back again in the vastness of jungle ? How will my teachers and mates know my whereabouts? What will my parents do? My mind was totally blank. I was in a situation where I did not know how in the world you would