Naturalism accepted what was seen only in nature and through the senses. It was felt that nature was the creator and ruler of itself. Formulations as "nature created woman to hinder" are common manifestations of the mentality injected to the society by the naturalist movement, which generalized expressions like "Mother Nature" or "Nature".Naturalism was promoted by a well-known organization: Freemasonry. This was proclaimed especially in the famous encyclical of Pope Leo XIII about Humanum Genus: "In our time, with the help and support of a society called Freemasonry, which has an extensive and effective organization, have joined the efforts of those who love the darkness. They no longer feel the need to hide their ill will and fighting God Blessed ".
The Pope at the time reported the relationship between naturalism and the masonic organization saying: "All the goals and efforts of the Masons lead to one intention: to abolish all religious and social disciplines of Christianity and establish a new system of rules based on the principles of naturalism and his own ideas. " Darwin was the greatest contributor of naturalism, who unquestionably covered a big gap in the theory. Naturalists idolized the perfection of nature but they looked distressed to give a satisfactory answer to the question of who gave you life, who or what made things perfect