| 1. Used customers’ data for competitive asset, and collecting information.2. Helped in management and control of the business process flow.3. Predict business flow.…
* It provides an understanding of the wider business environment, and helps keep management focused on the relevant issues…
1) what products sell the most: This would help the marketing department (for example) on targeting what items to push.…
Helps companies gain a more comprehensive knowledge of factors affecting their business, such as metrics on sales, production, and internal operations , which help companies make better business decisions…
What are some key attributes of this product and how may it help the operations of an organization?…
growth, technical issues it is dealing with, etc.) and reflect on how they impact the marketing…
A student was shown a demonstration in which a sample of an element was heated strongly in air, and the powder produced by the reaction was added to water. When tested with a pH probe connected to a data logger, the resulting solution had a pH of 9. Which one of the following elements could have been used? (A) (B) (C) (D) S C Si Ca…
6. Discuss globalization: how the world has gone from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 (the three great eras of globalization according to Thomas Friedman) and how this differs from the Cold War system.…
Who is Abigail Williams? is she a liar, a witch or is she really just an honest soul trying to prove her innocence? Some people could relate to Abigail, but those people are probably the liars and cheats of this world. Abigail Williams is one of the characters that made the least number of changes in The Crucible. Abigail's lies never changed throughout The Crucible and she continued to be deceptive. She refused to tell what happened in the woods and she lied about seeing people with the devil. In the beginning Abigail is denying all the things Paris saw when he ventured into the woods and discovered the girls dancing in a circle naked around Tituba. Near the middle of The Crucible Abigail continues to lie about the situation and the people she blamed. Then in the end Abigail remained the same and vanished without a trace.…
For this essay, you are required to analyze two assigned readings and document your essay with references to primary text(s) and between two and four secondary sources. Ensure that you directly answer the essay question and make significant reference to at least two of the course readings to support your perspective on the question.…
Potential to gain market share and becomes stars and eventually cash cows if market growth slows. Starting point for most products.…
Having access to timely and accurate information for a company, which can expedite decision-making and improve customers' experience and provide a competitive edge to Customer.…
concepts and empirical literature. Develop expertise with high applications content. Integrates accounting, finance, economics, statistics, and strategy. Modeling intensive. Information intensive.…
Describes the needs of the business and the customers, major trends affecting the industry, significant and important companies, industry size (growing, declining, etc), and other relevant industry facts and insights…
Everyone has the ability to make the right choices. It's all in the decision-making skills someone acquired over their lifetime. I think that Stephanie Marston's quote, “You have many choices. You can choose forgiveness over revenge, joy over despair. You can choose action over apathy...You hold the key..”, emphasizes the importance of decision-making.…