Data collection is often costliest and the most time consuming portion of study.Quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables.The data collection method in quantitative research is in structured manner which involves decent planning of data collection.
The planning of data collection process involves certain steps as follows:
Identification of data needs. Selecting types of measures of the variables. Selection and development of instrument. Pretesting of data collection. Development of data collection forms and procedures. 1. Identification of data needs .
This is first step of planning data collection that involves identifying the types of data needed for study.In quantitative researcher need data for : testing hypothesis describing sample characteristics controlling confounding variables. Analysis potential biases understanding subgroup effect interpreting results assessing treatment fidelity obtaining administrative information
2.Selecting types of measures of the variables.
After identifying of data needs the selection of types of data collection method is the next step.Data collection method is selected based on not only conceptual or theoretical definition but also other different factors such as the need or goal of research,,quality of instrument validity & reliability,ethical consideration,cost constraints,availability of human resource to help in data collection.I t can be various e.g self report,observations,physiologic or records.The methods can be used in combined form in single study as well.
3.Selection and development of instrument.
The third step after selection of potential instruments for data collection.The existing instruments should be assessed considerations various factors to assess capability of the selected instrument to yield high