Data Analysis
First Part Personal information: including the participants’ gender, age, educational background, marital status and monthly income.
As Figure 1 showed, there were 45% of female participants and 55% of male. The numbers of the participants of each gender were very close. Age The respondents were all my friends on Facebook; as the result, the majority (73%) of their age was in the range of 16-20, as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Gender of participants Figure 2: Age of participants Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5 shows the educational background, marital status, and incomes per month of participants. Since the chief participants were from 16-20 years old (73%), the majority results of participants’ educational background is junior college (95%) and average incomes are less than 18,000 dollars every month (84%).
Figure 3: Educational background Figure 4: Marital status Figure 5: Monthly income
Second Part
Facebook user behavior: this part started to ask the respondents some questions related to their preferences when using Facebook and information about their friend list on Facebook.
Duration of using Facebook
In the first question, Figure 6, there was 55% of participants have been using Facebook for 1-3 years, 38% of participants for 3-5 years, 5% of participants for more than 5 years, and 2% of them have only been using it for less than 1 year. It indicated that more than half of the participants have been Facebook users for 1-3 years.
Figure 6: Duration of using Facebook
Motives of using Facebook
This question was designed as multiple choice, they can choose up to five options. In Figure 7 showed what are the functions Facebook users can use. It also indicated the factors motivate users to use Facebook. The top two main motivations for students to use Facebook were following people’s status (139 entries), contacting with family and friends