Professor Murphy
Eng 201 MWF 2:00
3 March 2014
Data Commentary Introduction After reading and evaluating six articles written by experts on obesity, the data seems to imply that better educating people about how their behavioral lifestyle choices effect their future and current health is the best solution. The six journal articles evaluated and analyzed include: David Freedman’s article, “How to Fix the Obesity Epidemic,” published in Scientific American in 2011. Green Gregory’s article, “Physical Activity and Childhood Obesity: Strategies and Solutions for Schools and Parents,” published in Education in 2012. Micheal Wietings article, “Cause and Effect of Childhood Obestiy: Solutions for a National Epidemic,” published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association in 2008. George Blackburn’s article, “ Science Based Solutions to Obesity: What are the Roles of Academia, Government, Industry, and Healthcare,” published in 2005 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. As well as, “Obesity Solutions: Report of a meeting,” published in Nutrition Reviews in 1997. Kate Dailey’s article “ Can Laws fix the Obesity Crisis,” published in Newsweek in 2010
In his article, “How to Fix the Obesity Crisis” David Freedman explores topics such as how the US has blindly gone down the path of obesity, what researchers are doing currently to fix the problem, and how these solutions will pan out over future generations. Obese people cost the government millions in medical bills each year while the problem has not hindered. One problem with the research is that many findings challenge one another, which leads to contradicting solutions. Freedman focuses on weight loss programs, such as weight watchers, which have proved successful over recent years. As well as how they have been able to attain success. These programs have shed positive light on the issue, unfortunately there is no way to know if they can maintain success over time
Cited: Albu, J., Allison, D., Boozer, C. N., Heymsfield, S., Kissileff, H., Kretser, A., Krumhar, K., Leibel, R., Nonas, C., Pi-Sunyer, X., Vanltallie, T. and Wedral, E. (1997), Obesity Solutions: Report of a Meeting. Nutrition Reviews, 55: 150–156. Web. 2 Mar. 2014 Blackburn, George L., and Allan Walker. "Science-based Solutions to Obesity: What Are the Roles of Academia, Government, Industry, and Health Care?" The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 82.1 (2005): 2075-105. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Dailey, Kate. "Can Laws Fix The Obesity Crisis?" 16 Nov. 2010. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Freedman, David H. “How To Fix The Obesity Crisis.” Scientific American 304.2 (2011): 40-47. Military and Government Collection. Web. 2 Mar. 2014 Green, Gregory, Brenda Hargrove, and Clarence Riley. "Physical activity and childhood obesity: strategies and solutions for schools and parents." Education 132.4 (2012): 915+. Academic OneFile. Web. 2 Mar. 2014 Wieting, Micheal J. "Cause and Effect of Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epidemic." The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 108.10 (2008): 545-52. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.