Each question carries 2 marks. Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: Q.1 In the relational modes, cardinality is termed as: (A) Number of tuples. (B) Number of attributes. (C) Number of tables. (D) Number of constraints. Ans: A Q.2 Relational calculus is a (A) Procedural language. (C) Data definition language. Ans: B Q.3 The view of total database content is (A) Conceptual view. (C) External view. Ans: A Q.4 Cartesian product in relational algebra is (A) a Unary operator. (B) a Binary operator. (C) a Ternary operator. (D) not defined. Ans: B Cartesian product in relational algebra is a binary operator. (It requires two operands. e.g., P X Q) Q.5 DML is provided for (A) Description of logical structure of database. (B) Addition of new structures in the database system. (C) Manipulation & processing of database. (D) Definition of physical structure of database system. Ans: C DML is provided for manipulation & processing of database. (Data stored in the database is processed or manipulated using data manipulation language commands as its name) (B) Internal view. (D) Physical View. (B) Non- Procedural language. (D) High level language.
DC10 Q.6 ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for (A) Selection operation. (C) Join operation.
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (B) Rename operation. (D) Projection operation.
Ans: B ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for rename operation. (e.g., SELECT ENO AS EMPLOYEE_NO FROM EMP) Q.7 ODBC stands for (A) Object Database Connectivity. (B) Oral Database Connectivity. (C) Oracle Database Connectivity. (D) Open Database Connectivity. Ans: D Q.8 Architecture of the database can be viewed as (A) two levels. (B) four levels. (C) three levels. (D) one level. Ans: C Q.9 In a relational model, relations are termed as (A) Tuples. (B) Attributes (C) Tables. (D) Rows. Ans: Q.10 The database schema is written in (A) HLL (C) DDL Ans: C Q.11