Database management is used all over the companies, educational institutions, government and private sectors around the world where we need to store and organize the data. Coming to the universities, database management is the essential part where there are large number of departments, courses and students. Student database management model provides information on student’s course schedule and their basic information. Course schedule like their major and minor names, courses names, course id, instructor names, day, time, room number, credits per course and student details like student name, addresses, contact number, date of birth, student id. Before this data is stored is books and printed on paper. If there is a change in schedule or exam it would be difficult to reach about this to the students. Now it is easy store and change information by this we can save time and paper. After the registration the course information is directly stored in the database. Now if we want to view course schedule we can simply go to database of the university and check it out and change in schedule can directly reached to mobile by text message. This is very easy model to use and we will get current data and will be secure. Therefore my design mainly focuses on 2 different users:
1) Student
2) administrator
Wilmington university is a fast growing private non-profit university in u,s. For the convenience of students they added student schedule and exam details to the blackboard and when there is change in the class room, date and time it will informed through text messaging immediately when
References: 1. Kumar, A. S. (2012, November 13). Student Database Management system. Retrievedfrom 2. Vishnu, S. (n.d.). Student Database Management System. Retrieved from