Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
NAME: Sagar Agarwal
STUDENT ID: 213188362
DUE DATE: 6th Oct, 2013
Plagiarism and collusion
Plagiarism occurs when a student passes off as the student’s own work, or copies without acknowledgment as to its authorship, the work of any other person.
Collusion occurs when a student obtains the agreement of another person for a fraudulent purpose with the intent of obtaining an advantage in submitting an assignment or other work
I certify that the attached work is entirely my own (or where submitted to meet the requirements of an approved group assignment is the work of the group), except where work quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text. I also certify that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other unit or course.
I agree that Deakin University may make and retain copies of this work for the purposes of marking and review, and may submit this work to an external plagiarism-detection service who may retain a copy for future plagiarism detection but will not release it or use it for any other purpose.
DATE: 06/10/2013
In data mining it is said that “success or failure often depends not only on how well you are able to collect data but also on how well you are able to convert them into knowledge that will help you better manage your business (Wilson, 2001, p. 26).” Tourism and hospitality industry generates massive amount of data. In each and every transaction there is set of data generated. In tourism and hospitality, knowing your customer is very important. Suppose there is a customer who likes adventure and the manager tries to sell him SPA service, then it is likely that the customer would refuse it. Knowing the customer and offering him the right service is very important. This increases the profit of the organization, also it helps to