M.S.A. Ahsan 100022U
A. Burusothman 100063U
S. Paraneetharan 100369M
B. Sanjith 100484K
K. Sureshkumar 100527X
1. Introduction
We live in an information age, where the volume of data processed by humans and organizations increases exponentially by grid middleware and availability of huge storage capacity. So, Data management comprises all the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource. The openness of the Web and the ease to combine linked data from different sources creates new challenges. Systems that consume linked data must evaluate quality and trustworthiness of the data. A common approach for data quality assessment is the analysis of provenance information.[1] Data provenance, one kind of Meta data, relate to the transformational workflows of a data products (files, tables and virtual collections) starting from its original sources. Meta Data refers to “Data about Data”. The workflows can generate huge amount of data with rich Meta data in order to understand and reuse the data. Data provenance techniques used in e-science projects, e learning environment, etc.
E-learning can be difficult to understand because different authors use the term differently. E-learning is a new education idea by using the Internet technology, it delivers the digital content, provides a learner-orient environment for the teachers and students. This definition extends the environment on the Internet. We mean that the Internet provides a learning environment for the students and teachers. This environment is learner-oriented, so we can throw out the thoughts of traditionally teacher-centre’s instruction in classroom.
2. E- Learning in Detail
2. 1 ‘E’ side of E-Learning
As it apparently seems, the word can be thought of having two different sides. ‘E’ side and ‘Learning’ side are the elements which construct this norm. ‘E’ side has more impact in the idea
References: [4] Yogesh L.Simmhan. Beth Plale, Dennis Gannon. “A Survey of Data Provenance in e-Science” Newsletter ACM SIGMOD record 34.3 (2005):31-36 [5] Susan B [14] Len Seligman, Shaun Brady, Barbara Blaustein, Paula Mutchler, Adriane Chapman, Charles Worrell, The MITRE Corporation, USA; “DATA PROVENANCE AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMIC RISK (Case Study)” The MITRE Corporation (2012) [15] James P