Systems Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill 2009. (The 4th and 5th editions are also OK to use.)!
Will use slides from book as well as extra material! Posted on course page a day ahead of class!
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition! Modified by T. Suel for CS6083, NYU Poly, Fall 2012! 1.1! ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan!
CS6083: Principles of Database Systems !
Prerequisites: Data Structures, Operating Systems! Binary search trees, hash tables, sorting, O() notation! Basic OS structure, concurrency, file systems, caching! Also useful: some basic logic (e.g., CS6003)! Plus some general programming experience!
If you have deficiencies, make sure to review basic data
structures, algorithms, and OS by mid October!
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition! Modified by T. Suel for CS6083, NYU Poly, Fall 2012! 1.2! ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan!
CS6083: Principles of Database Systems !
No previous DB required – we start from beginning!! Know too much already? à take advanced DB (Spring)! BUT WE MOVE FAST
(cover chapters 1-16 of book)!
This is a Computer-Science oriented course! How to use a database system Large project at the end! Project combining DB, web, text, social networks!
But also how database systems work internally (9-16)!
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition! Modified by T. Suel for CS6083, NYU Poly, Fall 2012! 1.3! ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan!
Homeworks and Grading !
5 Homeworks: 4 graded, 1 ungraded! Homeworks are mix of theory and hands-on use! Submission via online system – wait for instructions! Homeworks are 20% of total grade (4 x 5%)! Will use copy detection mechanisms! Project in 2 parts, 20%
(7% + 13%)!
Second part in teams of 2, with live demo! Midterm 20%, Final Exam 40% of total grade! Graders: Shi Li, Aditya Guntupalli
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition!