Fundamentals of Databases
Alvaro A A Fernandes
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Acknowledgements 2
These slides are minor adaptaAons of material
authored and made available to instructors by
Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe
to accompany their textbook
Database Systems: Models, Languages, Design, and ApplicaGon Programming,
6th (Global) EdiGon
Addison-‐Wesley Pearson, 2011, 978-‐0-‐13-‐214498-‐8
Copyright © 2011 Pearson EducaAon, Inc., whom I thank.
All errors are my responsibility.
Outline 3
What are database applicaAons? Why conceptual modelling? What are the phases in the design of database applicaAons? What is enAty-‐relaAonship (ER) modelling? What are enAty types and enAty sets, aRributes and value sets? What are relaAonship types, relaAonship sets and roles? What structural constraints are used in ER modelling? What guidelines are used for ER modelling?
Conceptual Design of Database ApplicaAons 4
Database ApplicaGons § comprise a parAcular database and those applicaAon programs that implement queries and updates to that