Thesis: It’s a women’s responsibility to be an aware of the dangers of the world, because women can be overpowered.
Reason #1: Throughout history women have been chaperoned.
Support for reason #1: Today women want the freedom but don’t want to acknowledge the risk.
Reason #2: The sizzle of sex comes from the danger of sex.
Support or reason #2: (1) Male sex is hot, there is an attraction between the sexes that we’re not
Totally in control of. (2) At college these women suddenly hit male lust and go “oh, no”.
Conclusion: Women need to read the signs and be more responsible.
Summary: Thesis: It’s a women’s responsibility to be an aware of the dangers of the world, because women can be overpowered.
Reasons (1) …show more content…
Throughout history women have been chaperoned.
Evidence: Today women want the freedom but don’t want to acknowledge the risk
(2) The sizzle of sex comes from the danger of sex.
Evidence (1) Male sex is hot; there is an attraction between the sexes that we’re not totally in control of.
(2) At college these women suddenly hit male lust and go “oh, no”.
The Author Camille Paglia makes the value assertion that young feminist are all white middle class women and have been raised in a sheltered life; unlike, black and Hispanic women who have been raised in a fully sexual and realistic environment. Paglia continues making assertions that there will always be signs as to when a woman is in danger with a man. The statement “I am constantly reading the signals” passes judgment on women that were raped as being somehow ignorant and somewhat guilty to a degree with the assailant. After all, why didn’t they read the signs, right?
After reading this article I have come to the conclusion that even a good argument for responsibility can be destroyed by ignorant statements filled with racial and social bias. I understand and totally agree that to some degree women have let down their guard and somewhat feel invincible. I do not agree that men are such uncontrollable animals that a women’s words of “no” could but muted and they would continue in any sexual act without permission. Yes it does happen, but in no way can we shift the blame from a power hungry, sexually perverse individual to a woman who merely “didn’t read the signs”. Rape is Rape and there should be no
After all this being said, Paglia does make a good point when she states that in the past women where chaperoned. This being true, I can see how date rape would be less often to or practically never happen. But times have changed and with that a women’s responsibility must also change too. Paglia’s argument is weak in that she uses unnecessary and fallacious examples to support her reasoning. There are some good arguments that could have been supported with a lot of research but unfortunately Paglia kills her own thesis by stating that” I don’t think I would ever press charges”. Where is the responsibility in that?