A. investor who ousted the original leader of the Virginia Company and instituted colonial reforms…
Fleming, N. (2011). VARK: a guide to learning styles. Retrieved from Kinesthetic Study Strategies: http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=kinestheticprint…
Regardless of cultures, era and time, women have always been receiving fewer rights than men do. Despite they have a lot of moral obligations and duties at home, church and in the community, they however had very limited or almost no political and legal rights in the country. Their main role would be for be married for political purpose, productive, social status and reproductive. Most of the time men do not appreciate what women do, they were also seen as a merchandise to enhance their own social status. Their situation has not been improved until the mid 19th century, where a several brave, outspoken women sparked the fight for social reform, justice, prostitution, and slavery. The force of Feminist then rose to fight for the equality for the oppressed.…
(1)No major social upheaval can be had without negative consequence and, coming on the heels of the most violent war in American History, Reconstruction was no exception. Given the fierce determination of the North to remake southern society and the stubborn ferocity in the south to reclaim their former lives, the African-Americans faced worse and more violent conditions during the Reconstruction period than they had during slavery. The harder the radicals in the north pressed down upon the south, the harder the south resisted. The African Americans were caught in the center. We see in Thomas Nast’s “Worse than Slavery” (p477) a depiction of how white terrorism in the form of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremists , which the north could do little to suppress and the south felt was their only way to fight back, was actually worse than slavery. However, though many adversities and hardships were faced during Reconstruction, the net result of the effort was a positive one for the African -Americans because they attained freedom, citizenship and voting rights -- the means to improve their lives.…
Several changes occurred of a social aspect. The roles of women dramatically increased. After the war, there occurred lots of questions about genders and their roles. During World War II due to the fact that lots of men went to war and had to be at the fronts, women took their places at factories, and other aspects of everyday life. After the war ended, women continued to work there because of decrease of the population of men. This called for a revision of the theoretical standpoint of a woman’s role in society. Women started actively engaging in all aspects of everyday life. Their role each year increased. Nowadays, women take place in almost all the jobs that men are allowed to do such as in economics or politics, but even today they are fighting for their full rights and to be as equal as men.…
Women used to be thought of as the stay at home mother by men. She was supposed to take care of the children and take care of the home. Seeing a woman in the workforce was desirable as long as she had an education. Women were seen working in factories or as teachers but they had no say in the government. Thanks to a few women dedicated to making a difference, women have become more independent and now have a say in the government if they choose too. The movie Iron Jawed Angels depicts a group of women who wanted women to have a voice in politics. First thing they had to do was get women the right to vote.…
The status of women throughout history has been in my opinion awful. They were known as caregivers and only caregivers and weren’t giving the opportunity to prove that they could do just as much as man for a long time. They were known as intellectually inferior to men and also a major source of temptation and evil. Women were not able to own any property, and widows could not remarry. Male children were always preferred over female children. They also had to walk behind their husbands. As time passed they came up with women rights which allowed women to do the same things men can do, at that time they were allowed personal and intellectual freedom and they mad significant achievements.…
Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neal Hurston was born on January 7, 1891, In Notasulga, Alabama, and her move to Eatonville, Florida with her family. Eatonville was discovered by African American best known as the first black towns to be incorporated in the United States. Zora Neale Hurston wrote an essay in 1928, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”. In the story, Zora describes Eatonville as a birthplace. Zora was the fifth out of eight Children John Hurston and Lucy Hurston had.…
Now that our societies are modernized, women gain more rights through the process of democratic. Social stratification is less extreme in modern societies, meaning women…
Women face many challenges that men did not have to face. In the early days of our country, it was a man’s world. Women served their men. They were not offered the same opportunities that men were. To some extent, this still exists today. Women don’t always receive equal pay for equal work as their male co-workers. That was true in the 1840’s when Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to earn a medical degree in the United States. That shows amounts of moral courage that many of us could never achieve.…
The societal norms that dictate the acceptable behaviors based on gender have both drastically changed and have stayed fundamentally the same in United States history. Throughout the time period given, women in the United States fought for equality in education, work, and rights, while men remained essentially unchanged in the consistent patriarchal society. Civil wars in a nation destroy the previous society and lead to tremendous changes in social and cultural norms. Despite all the other changes caused by the Civil War, many of the standard gender patriarchal remained the same: women took care of the cleaning and children, men worked and were breadwinners. African American men adopted the gender roles of Caucasian men and began the fight…
The role of women has changed dramatically throughout the centuries. The early years for women were always harsh and demanding, but as time went on and feminism spread, the role of women and family became more dominant.…
The role of women and their political, economic, social and cultural opportunities have changed greatly. Because of suffrage, women are now allowed to take on jobs that they were once forced to resign from once they got married and decided to start a family. Whereas women were once afraid to work and take on demanding jobs in fear of disobeying certain rules, we have now empowered ourselves to take on a career positions and be the bread winners as well as still run the household. During the Progressive Era into the Great Depression, women were viewed as subordinates to males where they were subjected to laws and regulations imposed by men. A woman can now raise a family,…
Over the course of history, gender inequalities has been a prevalent amongst countries around the world. The notion, women are inferior to men has shaped the way they were treated in all aspects of life. Women were subjected to a patriarchal role in society, the men worked and women took care of domestics to some degree greater or lesser depending the country they resided in. In the late 19th and early 20th century women started rising up against male dominated societies in feminist movements. These movements were campaigns and reform plans to combat issues of equal pay, sexual violence, and denial of suffrage, reproductive rights, equal job opportunities and property rights. Looking at women in countries such as, USA, Great Britain and Saudi…
One major way is women are shown to have lower wages than men. According to AAUW, who have been supporting women since 1881, women are being paid 21% less than men. This isn’t even because of their education level or the jobs they choose. There is a survey that says the higher education a woman has, the bigger the wage gap is between the two genders. Along with the wage differences, this current event also speaks about the new jobs that women now occupy. They have gone from being ordinary housewives to running for government positions and creating their own businesses. Though women are now running for government jobs, there are more male than female represented in it. Even after the hardship, woman endured over a century ago, there are still many problems that they face during this…