The nature of the Pentium flaw was in the floating – point math subsection. In certain conditions, low order bits of the result of floating-point division operations would be incorrect. This would lead to an error that will quickly compound in operations to larger errors when future calculations were completed.…
Blinder begins his argument by describing how the labor market has changed over the past few decades. Today, a college degree is something that is considered necessary for getting a good and well-paying job. In contrast, thirty years ago, many jobs were filled with high school graduates or even high school dropouts. Blinder states that this shift is thought to be a main cause of income inequality, which means that now, the lower skilled and uneducated workers face a big disadvantage (441). During the 1990s, a few steps were taken to fix this problem, like raising the minimum wage. In this decade, there has been a push to send more kids to college and further educate them. As we look forward to the future, however, the issue is not with education…
In other words, “The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.” Kahn argues this is a problem because if a student explains that they are in an elite institution because of hard work, and fails to mention that it is also due to the fact that their family invested in them and provided them with opportunity, it begins to explain other parts of society inaccurately. For example, this sort of argument would also claim that the reason as to why people are not in college is because they are lazy and unintelligent, which is simply not always true. Many other factors, such as SES, or an individuals position in a stratified social order, may contribute to a lack of upper-level…
R., & Kiyak, H. A. (2008). Personality and mental health in old age. In Social gerontology: A multidisciplinary perspective (8th ed., pp. 223-258). Retrieved from…
This analytical article is based on the work of Mike Rose and Maya Angelou. The main theme of this essay hovers around the two of the works –“I Just Want to Be Average” and “Graduation” - by Mike Rose and Maya Angelou. Furthermore, a general description of this essay and the relationship between the both is the discussion of this essay. However, this is done with an analysis of the complimentary effect of one on another and ultimately how both of these works make the whole image pertaining to the life of a type school student.…
Hacker and Dreifus say that we want “opportunity for everyone, not just the offspring of professional parents” (181). What the two of them mean by this is that everyone deserves a chance at their career dreams and that all people from all types of backgrounds deserve the chance. The chance to shape communication skills and expand their knowledge. The chance to learn how to become organized and be exposed to a new kind of thinking. A college education opens up multiple doors whether its career choices or a chance to further their education . A chance to have a career, not just a job. People spend most of their lives working, it makes sense that how people feel about their work can really effect them. Individuals with a higher level of education tend to be more accomplished regarding their careers rather than those who just have a high school diploma. People should strive for the gold, rather than just settle for the…
Many believe that education reflects benefits onto society where others believe that these ‘benefits’ are not externalities and do not warrant government interference. Hall addressed that many in favor of government involvement in education argue that ensuring every child receives the minimum amount of education is necessary to promote a stable, and democratic society (2006, p.166). Friedman, originally in favor of this idea and later opposed, argued that a stable and democratic society is impossible without a minimum degree of literacy and knowledge on the part of most citizens (1962, p.86). A minimum amount of education does serve a purpose in society, but it does not have an effect on democracy. Lott showed empirical and theoretical evidence supporting the lack of effect education has on society. Lott’s proposition explained that education may provide stability, but it is not necessarily beneficial to democracy (1987, 1999). Another argument on education having beneficial externalities is the correlation between level of education and productivity of the individual and their coworkers. Hanushek explained that expanded education of an individual might indeed affect other workers in the economy and the new advancements in technology made by the educated population will lead to a spill over effect (2002, p. 2065). Although this idea may hold some truth, the effects of the spill over are not adequately reflected into the market. Hall insists that even if more educated workers creates a higher level of investment by firms leading to higher wages, the workers are still being paid for the marginal product of their labor (2006, p.169). It is also argued that an increase in education will have a positive effect on income. One would think that people with a higher level of education would have a higher income, but this assumption is false. Pritchett explained that…
Time magazine has the world’s largest circulation for a weekly news magazine, and has an audience of 20 million in the U.S. In the February 2015 issue of Time, it highlights “What Starbucks Knows About America, The Fight Against The Measles, and the upcoming blockbuster; 50 Shades of Grey”. Using eclectic educational articles and infographics, Time magazine informs its readers about current issues/events that address interests and concerns.…
The author Anyon says, “In the affluent professional school, work is creative activity carried out independently”(12). These affluent professional schools expect from their students to express and apply ideas and concept as well”(7). Thanks to what they are being taught, they are able to have multiple opportunities to work as a cardiologist, interior designer, corporate lawyer or engineer (7). As well, the upper classes also receive education from executive elite schools which presents them with a better education compared to those of the lower social classes. Anyon states that “In the executive elite school, work is developing one’s analytical intellectual powers” (14). Upper class students are already being taught to think intellectually and reason with problem, these skills allow and help them to have a better opportunity to achieve job titles such as “presidents and vice-presidents in major United States- based multinational corporations for example At&T, RCA, Citibank, American Express, U.S. Steel”(7). Therefore, according to your social status, you are eligible in receiving a poor or decent education. Depending on you’re the education you’ve received, you’ll either work by following orders or become president of a major…
Poverty the lower section of social class means you don’t make a sufficient amount of money, meaning you aren’t able to buy the necessities to be successful. If you are able to you are more likely to succeed. According to Source F, there are two types of inequality in social class that we have in America. But the one type we are most concerned with is called Red Inequality. Red Inequality is between those who have college degrees and those who do not. This affects the middle class, the average people in our society who make up the majority of our society as well. Statistics show that college graduates around the 1980s made about 40% more than those who did not go to college. Today that number has jumped up to 75% more. It also suggests that college grads have more benefits such as, being more likely to get married, less likely to get divorced, less likely to have a child out of wedlock, less likely to smoke, less likely to be obese, be more active in their communities, have more friendships, etc.. Which would also make them more likely to…
“According to Census’s calculations, the life-time earnings of an education or arts major working in the service sector are actually lower than the average lifetime earnings of a high school graduate” ( pg.216, par 1). While “the highest paid major is engineering, followed by computers and math” (pg.215, par. 1). The authors of “Should Everyone Go to College?” used graphs to show the earning of someone holding a bachelors’ degree and their occupations compared to the work-life earnings of a high school graduate. Amazingly enough a high school graduate only makes slightly less than someone holding a bachelors’ degree in the education field! The bar graph show people holding a bachelors’ degree in architecture and engineering make close to 3.5 million in their work-life. Meanwhile, someone holding a bachelors’ degree in science make 2.5 million dollars in their work-life. Sawhill and Owen go even further saying “we see that just as not all college degrees are equal, neither are all high school diplomas” (pg.216, par.2). They give an example of someone with only a high school diploma working in a STEM job could make more in their lifetime than a bachelors’ degree holder “working in education, community service and arts, sales and office work, health support, blue collar jobs, or personal services” (pg.217, par.2). The authors also go into details about unemployment rates in different occupations and suggest…
“Skeptics like to point out that the income gap isn’t rising as fast as it once was, especially for college graduates who don’t receive an advanced degree.” (Leonhardt). However, college degrees have been proven to help people make money in jobs that never needed a degree. (Leonhardt). Citizens with a degree have been proven to progress further ahead faster with a degree in jobs which do not postulate anything but a high school diploma. In studies, adults who did not attend to college to obtain a degree feel like college graduates make up to 20,000 dollars more a year than themselves. (Pew Research Center). Not only can a degree help people progress further ahead, it can make workers more money and they can begin to pay off what college debt they may have. In addition, college graduates also have much more job security than a person who does not have one. (Leonhardt). Whether it’s taking care of a family or just taking care of themselves, nobody wants to worry about having a job the next. After all, degree has significantly more purpose than just sitting on a…
(Empirically, we do see increases in educational attainment over time, so it stands to reason that the median earning household is more educated now than in, say, 1989.) Instead, we see incomes stagnating and tuition skyrocketing. Even if we hypothesize that the people at the bottom of the income distribution are pretty consistent over time in not going to college and vice versa for the top of the income distribution, the evidence suggests that there is a decent amount of education flux in the middle of the distribution that is not being matched by increases in economic prosperity. In fact, it still appears to an individual that college is still worth the investment, but, rather than the investment earning a college premium, the investment appears to help people avoid a non-college…
What makes us human? What makes us human is our curiosity and constant evolution. What makes us human is the ability to create social categories and to form opinions. Abstract emotions including love, thought and creativity are what make us human. In 1984, George Orwell uses his dystopia to show that if we were to abolish these abstract emotions we would cease to be human and become the simple primates we once were; surviving for the sake of survival.…
McCall (2000) offers an explanation to possible causes for this wage gap. In the article McCall (2000) states, “rising earnings inequality is largely due to skill-biased technological change in which the demand for low-skill workers has fallen,” the assumption is that the higher education a worker attains the more skilled that worker will be considered to be (McCall, 2000, p. 234). Subsequently, it is the more skilled workers (higher educated workers) that are more likely to be hired and payed more.…