An “Interviews With Dating Gurus” Special Report…
“How To Use ‘Sexual’
Body Language To Make
Women Notice And Feel
David DeAngelo
©2004, All Rights Reserved.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report - Patty – ©2004, All Rights Reserved.
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The Bad Guy Notice:
This report is copyright 2004, with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of derivative works of this book.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report - Patty – ©2004, All Rights Reserved.
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“How To Use ‘Sexual’ Body Language
To Make Women Notice And Feel
This month I was very excited to interview my friend Patty. Patty is one of the few women I’ve met who not only “gets” how attraction works for women… but also knows how to explain it to men in a way that makes sense.
In this interview we focused on one of my all-time favorite topics - “Sexual Body
Have you ever thought that if you just knew the right “words” to say to a woman, that you would have no problem “picking her up”?
If so, you’re not alone. In fact, this is exactly what I used to think.
I used to think that if I could just learn the right “lines” and “techniques”, everything else would just fall into place.
I have another question for you…
Have you ever approached a woman with what you thought was a good “line”… or with something “polite”… and had her totally blow you off?
Well, this may come as a surprise, but there’s a very good chance that she made the decision to reject you BEFORE YOU EVEN OPENED YOUR MOUTH.
Think about it…
Attractive woman who was get on by men day in and day out. It NEVER stops.
They are practically forced to develop ways to size men up FAST.
And body language just happens to be the easiest and the MOST ACCURATE way for them to disqualify guys who don’t “get it” without ever even having to talk