David Hilbert was born in Koenigsberg, East Prussia, on January 23, 1862. He was a great leader and spokesperson of mathematics in the early 20th century, he was a Christian. Like most great German mathematicians, Hilbert was a product of Göttingen University, at that moment the world’s mathematical center, and he spent much of his working life there. His formative years were spent at Königsberg University where he developed fruitful scientific exchange with his fellow mathematicians Adolf Hurwitz and Hermann Minkowski.
At the University of Koenigsberg, Hilbert studied under Lindemann for his doctorate, which he earned in 1885. One of his friends there was Hermann Minkowski, who was also a doctoral student. In 1884, Adolf Hurwitz was appointed to Koenigsberg University and became friends with Hilbert, which was a very significant factor in Hilbert’s mathematical development. David Hilbert was a member of staff at Koenigsberg from 1886-1895, being the Privatdozent until 1892. He was then an Extraordinary Professor for one year before becoming a full professor in 1893.
His calculus examination led him to invent “Hilbert space,” considered to be among the primary concepts of functional analysis as well as modern mathematical physics. He founded fields such as modern logic and met mathematics.
In 1899, David Hilbert published his book – The Foundations of Geometry – in which he described a set of axioms that eliminated the flaws from Euclidean geometry. In the same year, American mathematician Robert L. Moore also published a set of axioms for Euclidean geometry at age 19. While some axioms in both systems were similar, there was a feature about the axioms that were different. Hilbert’s axioms were theorems from Robert Moore’s and Moore’s axioms were proved as theorems from David Hilbert’s.
David Hilbert developed a program to axiomatize mathematics. With his attempt to achieve his goal, he began a “formalist school” of mathematics, which opposed the