David J Hesselgrave's Commentary Of The Zanaki People
The post is a valuable insight and a great example of a worldview and how it affects people in their daily life. Even though other cultural and worldview perspectives may be different from the believer, it done not necessary imply that they are incorrect. David J. Hesselgrave in his commentary of the Zanaki people shows that other viewpoints may even be more expressive or “more personal than our own.” Often the new Christian learns or creates a new worldview and assessment of the world. Once someone truly understands the actual state of their sinfulness, truly repents, and accepts Christ as their personal Savior, they can change their outlook on life through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter encourages the believer to learn as
obedient children and not to be restricted by the former worldly belief. (1 Pet. 1:14 [NASB]). In hindsight, the Christian many times will look back and be shocked that they did not fully comprehend God around them. The Apostle Paul tells that God’s handiwork has always been on display around them (Rom. 1:20). Lloyd E. Kwast explains that a worldview exposes one’s most basic question about reality. The worldview of a person reflects their actual beliefs. If someone has moved from darkness into light, his or her worldview should be changed in some way. Christ changes from the inside and the outside, transforming the believer to no longer be conformed to the ways of this world.
Word Count = 242