David Noel Cecil is guilty of an offenses because modified the file structure of the network which caused the computer system to go offline. Thus since David Noel Cecil was convicted according to section 86(1), he is supposed to serve a twelve month jail term. A fine cannot be granted since he can delete some evidence of his offences upon access to a computer. According to section 90(1) to (3) the court which was handling the case had jurisdiction because the offense was committed in South Africa, had its effect in South Africa and was committed by a citizen of South …show more content…
Thus David Noel Cecil is guilty of an offense because acquired a computer and other devices at his place that he used to overcome security measures of Platform networks. According to section 89(1), David Noel Cecil is liable to imprisonment for a period of up to 12 months. The courts trying the offense according to sections 90(1) to (3) has jurisdiction because the offense was committed in the republic, the effect of the offense was felt in the republic and the offense was committed by a South African citizen.
Thus according the ECT Act of South Africa David Noel Cecil will be convicted of four cybercrime offenses as discussed above. Thus according to the applied South African legislation (the ECT Act) David Noel Cecil will be supposed to be sentenced for a period not exceeding eight years