David shows that he is very knowledgeable when he describes to us the family history, as well as the history of the community's beliefs as he knows them throughout the novel. David goes in to great detail about everything, I think David's great curiosity and wonder helps him take in all information, in hopes that he will better understand aspects of life.
When David first met Sophie's mother, he unsuccessfully tries to telepathically communicate with her, to calm her down. We later find David is telepathic, as well as Rosalind is. David lets Uncle Axel in on his little secret. Uncle Axel, from there on, is David's protector.
David wasn't one to question his loyalty to Sophie. When Alan Ervin, on older boy, saw an imprint of Sophie's foot, David took a life risking chance when fighting Alan to allow for Sophie to escape.
At such a young age, David was able to remain very strong when Sophie had to leave. His dreams showed how deeply torn he was over the subject and how he felt as if he were helpless and responsible.
After Sophie