Corporation, the industrial giants that they are today. In my opinion, a kind of find this big on such a desolate rock would seem absurdly rare. It's been only a few hours on this planet, and I already know it's going to be the death of me.
Scientists do not chase "myths" and "legends". This is Dr. Atticus Brent of the Jacobs Corporation, signing off.
Day Forty-three on Argolis. Or at least I think it's the forty-third day, the 80 hour day cycles are difficult to get used to, and the inhaitants are not that much better. They are easily the most ignorant people I've ever met, and when I try to …show more content…
They draw off half sentence in torpor where I imagine they're either drunk or brain-damaged and aren't fully aware of my presence. If I could imagine hell, I would compare it to living with these troglodytes. This is Dr. Atticus
Brent, signing off.
This is the seventy-sixth day. I woke up hoping I was having a reoccuring nightmare. We spent the past 57 hours relocatting our camp closer to the dig site, only to be ambushed by local wildlife that had been coming out of hibernation. Over half of my crew were eating by Skrelps. I only survived by hiding under a colleague of mine as he was getting devoured on top of me. His name was Derek. My... emotions are dulled inside, and I grieved for none of them. In fact, the only emotion I felt was joy. I felt joy because his chair was always considerably more comfortable than mine. I took his chair. That's when I noticed the luminescent glow coming from the rocks.
This is Dr. Atticus Brent, signing