are forced to wake up an hour earlier, there is a higher tendency for us to go on the internet and screw around rathe than doing our work. Studies have concluded that is U.S. a citizen pend an extra 8.4 minutes on the internet for loss of an hour sleep. It is a waste of time when we look at a huge population! On the Friday before Daylight saving, much of us leave our homes under sunny skies but on Monday we will be stepping out on a pitch black sight. This depresses many of us affecting our productivity at work. An hour loss of sleep could make us prone to more safety hazards while we are driving and while we are at our workplace. There is an 10% increase in accident just because of the Daylight Saving. Most of the world doesn't do it. Only about 21% of the world actually does it which means that only 79% of the world doesn't follow this so called ‘ritual’. So overall, rather than saving us energy and time, Daylight saving is actually doing the opposite of it’s actual purpose.
are forced to wake up an hour earlier, there is a higher tendency for us to go on the internet and screw around rathe than doing our work. Studies have concluded that is U.S. a citizen pend an extra 8.4 minutes on the internet for loss of an hour sleep. It is a waste of time when we look at a huge population! On the Friday before Daylight saving, much of us leave our homes under sunny skies but on Monday we will be stepping out on a pitch black sight. This depresses many of us affecting our productivity at work. An hour loss of sleep could make us prone to more safety hazards while we are driving and while we are at our workplace. There is an 10% increase in accident just because of the Daylight Saving. Most of the world doesn't do it. Only about 21% of the world actually does it which means that only 79% of the world doesn't follow this so called ‘ritual’. So overall, rather than saving us energy and time, Daylight saving is actually doing the opposite of it’s actual purpose.