By: Anna Wilson
There were several main political and economic events that reshaped American society between the years of 1820 and 1848 to a large extent. This era, also known as the Jacksonian era, brought vibrant political movements towards a greater democracy and was a time of technological advancements and reformation, which forever impacted American ideals, due to the American System and its three main points leading to industrialization and the rise of democracy causing a wide form of nationalism throughout America, inspiring the common man to participate in politics. These new ways of American living reshaped its society into the beginning of what we see it as today.
The belief that America could really grasp and improve their economy was underway by 1820. When Henry Clay established the American System with its intent being to boost the economy and focusing on establishing the Tariff of 1816, a national bank and several internal improvements like launching roads and canals and other means of new transportation all played a key role in reshaping the economy1. The purpose of the Tariff of 1816 was to protect American industries but it only favored the industries in the North, (Doc.5) and generated revenue for the federal government. The main goal of the bank was to simply stabilize the currency and provide abundant credit to the people.2 The development of internal improvements, which would be financed by the tariff, would knit the nation together, greatly impacting the economy with new means of flow of goods. All three of Clays points drastically impacted America’s economy. After the war of 1812, America gained a large sense of nationalism. People were inspired to transform their country. One of the ways this was done was by establishing factories. Since nationalism was on fire in the souls of people around the country, they were willing to invest into America’s progress, which part of this meant investing into factories and its