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Kang, M., Kashiwagi, H., Treviranus, J., & Kaburagi, M. (2008). Synthetic speech in foreign language learning: an evaluation by learners. International
Journal of Speech Technology, 11(2), 97-106. Retrieved from https://ed.edim.co/1491720/10_8_synthetic2.pdf?Expires=1381515342&Signature=O-jy2Th-v1O0e6~8iuzkhhRUUmcpWt4W5qAxrVA7ZzIZ0n3eKUqw04lKuMI9K9kp50sEO6UniC1h4whU1WO15~WmwIda6UK66AVR2tDjjTQs-NxxRn27AyyIAFopfa8IQDN6MtSXv8vMKJcSTlthfFzIcXkw10LGB3k0j0D16Dk_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJI74L7OXO7CNJA7Q
Morton, J. (1969). Interaction of information in word recognition. Psychological Review,
76(2), 165-178. Retrieved from http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/rev/76/2/165.pdf c • Goals of Study: To find patterns in word recognitions
• Background: A previous model for word recognition has been created, however it only predicts qualitatively and was too complicated; the effects of word frequency are now trying to be factored in the system; other predictions were made that took into account the context of the words and the repetition
• Method: Basic unit used for the model is the logogen(a device which accepts information from the sensory analysis mechanisms concerning the properties of linguistic stimuli and from context producing mechanisms). Tested by saying a word, and when the subject was able to understand what the word was, they would respond to it. They measured to what fraction of
References: Francis, A. L., Nusbaum, H. C., & Fenn, K. (2007). Effects of Training on the Acoustic–Phonetic Representation of Synthetic Speech Kang, M., Kashiwagi, H., Treviranus, J., & Kaburagi, M. (2008). Synthetic speech in foreign language learning: an evaluation by learners Myers-Schulz, B., Pujara, M., Wolf, R., & Koenigs, M. (2013). Inherent emotional quality of human speech sounds Pisoni, D., Nusbaum, H., & Greene, B. (1985). Perception of synthetic speech generated by rule Wheale, J. (1981). The speed of response to synthesized voice messages. Br J Audiol, 15(3), 205-212