While it may first appear that ‘personal lives’ and ‘social policy’ are two distinct areas of everyday life, closer exploration will show how close the two intertwine and entangle and actually provide a way for each to give meaning and constitution to each other (Fink and Lewis et al, pg 6). This essay will attempt to explain and illustrate the idea of the mutual constitution of personal lives and social policy using a personal narrative by Jane Campbell.
This first part of the essay will look at what is mean by the personal followed by illustrating the idea of the personal in relation to Jane’s life. The idea of ‘the personal’ is something that is familiar to us all. Each individual as personal that is based on the experiences, opportunities and life trajectories that are perceived to shape them into whom they are – seemingly entirely belonging to the individual alone (course team, 2009, resources). Yet its definition in sociological terms is not so straight forward. The ‘personal’ in this context is different as “although it is individuals who have personal lives, ‘the personal’ is neither reducible to the individual nor to the private.” (course team, 2009, resources) Therefore including not only referring to the individual’s sense of self, but also to how the culture that they live in, the social discourses available and social divisions such as age or gender forms and constructs the person (course team, 2009, resources). One way the narrative of Jane Campbell illustrates the personal in her life in sociological terms is through her being a disabled woman who is provided with assistance. Here Jane provides an insight into what is considered part of the private aspects of her everyday life such as getting dressed. However, because of her need for assistance the level of
References: Course team, 2009, CDRom, Milton Keynes, The Open University The Open University, 2009, Audio 1, Milton Keynes, the Open University Fink, J, Lewis, G, Carabine, J, Newman, J and Korner, B, 2009, Course Companion: personal lives and social policy, Milton Keynes, The Open University