1. As a superior Hanousek is expected to do a certain job for his employer. One of the known things a supervisor is in charge of is making sure his/ her employees are doing their job correctly, and in a safe manner. Although Hansouk did not any anyway directly cause the accident he failed to use reasonable care , which in my opinion means that he had the required mental state be convicted of the crime, he did fail to use the care he should have used which led to the accident occurring.…
“In terms of film, [creative interpretation is ok] as long as the general story is there, not necessarily every little tidbit, but as long as the main concepts are preserved. I think once you drastically alter what happened and the outcomes of what happened, then it just becomes fiction.”…
While there were some discrepancies in the final battle the director, Stanley Kubrick, did a good job at keeping it as accurate as…
All in all, it was a great movie with great direction and acting. The storyline is great and makes it hard to stop watching. It keeps the audience glued to their seat to see what happens at the end of the movie. And, the ending is so appropriate for the movie. It was great writing and what an action drama should be like. The recommendation for this movie could not be higher. It is a true…
Both the novel and the film adaptation of Ernest J. Gaines , A Lesson Before Dying illustrates the theme of coming of age ; however in the novel this theme is better discussed. Through the use of lighting , soundtrack ,and camera angles the director is able to portray the theme of coming of age. While , in the novel Ernest J. Gaines uses dialogue and characterization to express this theme. As some scene’s are better developed than others the watcher and reader are able to receive specific feedback and the portraying of different emotions.…
While reading the screenplay, I'd have to say I really enjoyed the way the writer gave life to the characters. Within the first ten pages, I was intrigued to learn more about tom and his situation. Why was he breaking things in an unresponsive manner? Why would his…
In the film Night of the Living Dead there were many unimaginable, grotesque things that are taking place throughout the film. We know that people are afraid of two things, death and the unknown. Johnny began by badgering his sister, Barbara just like he did when they were children by saying “they’re coming to get you Barbara” while visiting their father’s gravesite. This shows that Barbara, even as an adult, she is afraid of the unknown. Unbeknownst to Johnny, Barbara was actually attacked by the unknown. Johnny jumps on “the thing” to protect his sister. This is the first sighting of a “thing”. The sighting of the thing connotes fear and death. Barbara runs off and finds safety in a house not far from the graveyard. Barbara meets Ben when he enters the house for safety as well. The house is another connotation of safety and warmth. Ben jumps right in to protection mode because Barbara appear to be in a state of shock due to the gory sighting of “the thing” and its attack on her brother.…
All in all, I have no criticism for the film. In fact, I believe this film is such that it could be expanded upon to create a full-length feature or at least a more substantial film. But of coure, that requires time and resources that the filmmakers may not have at their disposal. Both the joy and agony of indie films. Phenomenal stories without the restrictions of the studios but also without the funding of the studios.…
When the characters were sad or happy, it seemed as if it was real and they weren’t just characters in a book. However in the movie it implies a different idea , because it didn’t seem to be as real as the book did explain it to be . It did come out as if it could have happened, but the way the actors acted their feelings out, it didn’t explain or express how they felt , when they were sad or happy. It seemed as they were trying too hard to act like they were heartbroken or scared or completely ecstatic. But whether the story comes from the pages of a book or a movie. They are full of similarity and differences, but in both, even though not everyone gets along in the beginning , the end is there to count…
I think that all of the characters were portrayed very well in the movie. If I had to…
Regardless of what the plot was intended to be, it is difficult to not be distracted from the message in the film by the poor acting. The lines are not particularly good that the actors are given for their characters, but they are spoken in such a way that the viewer is not as aware of what they are saying, but in the strange manner they are…
In a small, condensed amount of time, a movie must portray all the aspects and details of a story accurately in order for it to properly convey its meaning to its viewers while simultaneously being enjoyable. The rules for a film are no easy task, and at times they can fail to meet these standards. Under this, films like Ender’s Game comes up short when compared to its written counterpart.…
Within this film it is clear that the styles of narration used by the screenwriter's are classic Hollywood narrative styles, which is when there is a "strong central protagonist and neatly resolved climax" (Bordwell and Thompson, 2005). Another way of proving that this is a classic narrated Hollywood film is by looking at what Bordwell (2005), states as the action revolving around a central character that by the end of the film fulfills his/her goal. By looking at all of the above, the point argued in this essay is clear that this film is a typical Hollywood narrated film, even though there are some techniques used by the screenwriters and directors that lean towards the way non Hollywood films are narrated.…
I also liked the fact that the film portrayed the cut-throat manner in which people attempt to achieve fame. The constant battle over credit for what was clearly a group collaboration added a good amount of tension to the film. The hierarchy in the field of…
This leads onto the subject concerning the acting. Being at times monotonous and bland, it lacks the emotion and punch that the book delivered. However, I remarked that the producers added music that gives an effect of mystery and suspense (a bit repetitive). This helps bring out the suspense.…