YuJia Huo
Your ID number:
ESL 204 – Writing Resource Sheet
You may either type your notes into the form below or print the form and complete your notes by hand.
Source Information:
Hastings, M., Thiel, S. & Thomas, D.(2003, January) The deadly noodle ,Newsweek, 141(3), retrieved from http://www.newsweel.com/2003/01/19/the-deadly-noodle.html.
New words, key words in text, collocation information a culture bound syndrome: n. a group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms vulnerable: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm
Main Idea:
State the main idea of the text in your own words
Unhealthy diets and habits are making the world fat.
Key supporting ideas(s) of the reading in note form:
(write phrases in your own words to convey important points)
Causes: modern life trend from U.S. (globalization, Coca-cole, McDonald’s) Abuse oil and sugar(nowadays, Indian people who 10 or 20 grams oil for dish’s flavor, but they didn’t use oil in the past. Lack of excerise Word environment (less activity)
Effect: obesity In the last 20 years, the obesity rate among U.S. adults are more than double. Obesity is getting popular in developing country.