That is why he is my favorite villain, but he has a very good characteristics of a bad guy. The characteristics of a bad guy is a factor to many of his or her personalities. For Deadpool’s characteristics he is a funny villain but he is also very deadly. He also breaks through the 4rth wall , talks to you from inside comic book or movie. A perfect bad guy is with really good characteristics. The characteristics I want for a bad guy is funny. I like a sarcastic bad guy he also needs to be deadly. He also has to have to trick people in cruel ways. The antagonist in “A Wrinkle in Time” is a very effective villain. He is like Deadpool. He also has the characteristics I mentioned in the last paragraph above. Deadpool also has the characteristics as Hank does. They are very well skilled in what they do, and they would be a great villain team and destroy Earth.
Hank is probably more effective than Deadpool is. I have many reasons for this. Hank has many powers. He is also very skilled in persuading people to do what he wants. Hank uses many mind tricks and doesn’t use as much violence as Deadpool does and for these reasons I believe that Hank is a better villain than