Deaf refers to a child that failed to hear a sound or a loss of hearing sense. National Deaf Counsel Society(2017) contended, “Hearing loss can range from mild to profound and has many different causes, including injury, disease, genetic defects and the ageing process.” Deaf people have difficulty in process language and speech because they could not hear themselves. However, the strategies that most teachers are used for communication or to check their understanding is using body language, sign language, pictorials, finger spelling, and manually coded English (NDCS, 2017). A child who is hard of hearing refers to an individual who has a mild to moderate hearing loss. According to researchers the causes of this difficulty are due to the damage …show more content…
Another cause could be of excessive wax in the auditory canal that blocks the hearing sense(NDCS, 2017). Therefore, the only way to cure this is to go through surgery or applied hearing aid. Deafness can really affect a child’s accomplishment and use of speech and language, even the academic achievement and social functioning of a child. For instance, most children who are deaf tends to stop blathering or vocalizing because they cannot hear themselves. This could affect their participation point in class. Afraid of speaking up and not hearing lectures can really slow down a child in education. As we all know that our senses is what make our body balance. A loss of hearing can also relate to a loss of sight. Speak from my experience as a person that loses a right eye, it is a challenge to look through with one eye. It felt