Acknowledgement of offending behaviour and its impact
Despite a 50% increase in the budget for prisons and managing offenders in the last ten years almost half of all adult offenders released from custody reoffend within a year so effective rehabilitation is needed to enable us to break the cycle of crime and prison. This rehabilitation includes offending behaviour programmes, which make offenders, confront and acknowledge the damage their behaviour does, and then learn how to change the patterns which have often grown up over many years and have become a way of life.
Assessment of individual behaviour
A plan is drawn up for an individual depending on their offences and the analysis completed when they first arrived in custody to decide which offending behaviour programmes, education and training they will receive while in prison to prepare them for release.
Assessment of associated risks
The offender can be a risk to themselves and the public. They put themselves at risk of being back in prison if they leave and carry on the same lifestyle with the same people, surroundings and pressures. Breaking out of a cycle of crime is hard for an individual but it is possible with support from rehabilitation programmes inside and out of prison. If the cycle isn’t broken and an offender leaves prison the public are at risk of crimes by that person; damage to life, people and property can happen which could have been prevented if the correct programmes were available to them while inside.
Behaviour factors
Prisoner’s behaviour issues can lead them to reoffend because of different factors such as physical, social, psychological and emotional. People with offending behaviour are more likely to be aggressive and impulsive which can link to medical conditions such as ADHD and autism meaning they misunderstand social norms and behave in an anti-social manner. If they live in a disadvantaged society there are more negative peer groups