Gary received a letter from us and wants to make sure that his credit score is not effected.…
1. Write 2-3 sentences explaining why the creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview. What difference does it make to someone’s thought and practice to believe that humans are created in the image of God versus being the result of random processes acting blindly on matter? Being created in Gods image is so significant to the person that follows God. Individual have a strong faith base in God the creator of all things. God said in his word that we are created in his image. He said it and it is so.…
Part Two: the Question of Origin: God has created all things (Gen. 1:1). “God is the first cause” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p. 56) in creation, meaning He initiated the Ex Nihilo process of creation. Jesus Christ has created everything and is, and will always be, the sustainer of life (Colossians 1:16-17).…
Humanity was created to demonstrate God’s special relationship to humanity and God’s role for humanity (DiVincenzo, 2015). It was also created to know and worship God, and have dominion in to rule the earth as both priestly and kingly figures (DiVincenzo, 2015). The biggest element of humanity is that God created it to have a relationship with him. The Fall of Adam and Eve was what changed the nature of humanity and sin nature, but also the beginning of sin into the world (DiVincenzo, 2015). It led to the entrance of death in the world, and sin nature separates us from that relationship with God. The Christian worldview has two major elements of human nature. First, humans were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28). Second, all humans are sinful by nature after the Fall of Adam and Eve (DiVincenzo, 2015). “Because humans are sinful by nature, humanity will behave in a sinful way” (DiVincenzo, 2015). The Christian worldview recognizes that all humans act out in sinful ways, which causes a separation with a relationship with…
Man, I must say that I have been EXTREMELY busy covering these politics because it’s full of false accusations and scandals and I am trying my hardest to be honest and fair. Now my friend what I mean by false accusations and scandals is the media; both printed and social media; have a way of influence the audience into believe what they feel they want them to believe versus how I believe in what we need to be believe and deserve that (to certain circumstances). I’ll go through all that stuff and enlighten you a bit more about what I have learned this past week about it so you aren’t confused. I’m also going to talk about how hard it was to determine whether or not my stories were socially responsible, assessing the credibility of the sites I visited (which was only one really I trusted) and my awareness of how I might influence the public and or other reporters. Well my friend, now that you know what to expect, let’s just dive right into my responsibility of being fair and balance coverage.…
Congratulations on being five classes away from graduating! I have about another one to two years left, and I am more than ready to be finished. I do not really have a favorite pro-sports team, but I am a huge fan of the Texas Longhorns. I hope you achieve your goals and have a wonderful winter semester as…
Interestingly, the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. Words used to describe the Trinity such as “persona” or “homoousis” do not appear in the scriptures either. The semantic development of the language of the Trinity became especially important to the Church because of the Arian controversy in the fourth century. Understanding the progression of the doctrine of the Trinity from the apostolic age to the first ecumenical council in 325 AD is important to fully appreciate the battles forged and fought to define this important doctrine.…
Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, composed a comprehensive and succinct essay titled “Answers to Common Questions about Creation” that puts forth many principles surrounding the age-old question of Creation. He presents several different theories regarding Creationism that allows Christians the opportunity to form their own opinions about how the world came to be. Faced with modern day science…
I am a freshman from Seguin High School in Seguin Texas; I feel that the Texas education system is corrupt that we as students are learning to test and not to actually learn. We as students retain information for short periods of time to take a test then forget which is one of the reasons I feel that the United States of America is falling behind in the education system. However Texas does not have to be like the rest we need to take away a lot of the tests and not learn to test but learn the information we’re being taught. Not by rushing us to hurry and take a test. Now I understand that we are trying to catch up to the rest of the world however by rushing us students we are not learning to learn but learning to retain information in short bursts to take a test. However I am not saying that tests should be taken away we do need check point but at Seguin High School we are taking state CBA ,s every week or every other week .When I feel that we as students feel that we should not be monitored every second of the day. When a new employee is hired are they assigned tests to show their improvement? No. it is based upon their performs however there are teachers who will give students grades that they didn’t earn so yes there should be two checkpoint tests year but not to determine whether the student passes or fails just to determine where everyone stands and how to alter curriculum. Please respond back…
As I look around and notice all the trees, the flowers, beaches, oceans, watch a sunset or the rising of a full moon, all the things nature has to offer, I must agree with God that it is good. In fact, as I look around me the explanation given in Genesis chapter one is the only one that makes sense. The Holy Spirit within me confirms this explanation. The author says that God made man in His own image. That means I am somewhat intelligent and a big bang theory or theory of evolution insults the intelligence that God has ingrained in me as a part of Himself. God has given us so much of Himself and we have allowed the enemy(satin) to deceive us to the point we are lost even with the specific instruction manual that God has given us.…
The Information Age primary forces were brought on by computers and televisions which were the primary forces of the explosion which became to be an every use in the American household which kept them up to date with news and telecast of the news of the wars and the first astronauts to walk on the moon. The computers helped with production storage which was a back up from paper work. The shift from book to screen altered the way individuals perceived reality. My experience in living in the Information Age is that I enjoy having technology from since I can remember to now technology has advanced tremendously looking back to my first cell phone and currently now having a smart phone who would of ever imagined a cell phone would do pretty much just about the same as a computer, I am grateful for having technology from TV shows, to the way you can send a text message and its received instantly etc. living in the Information Age makes life a lot easier and simple.…
There are many theories about how the universe, earth, and humans came into existence. Some aim to prove the existence of God, that a large explosion created all life, or even that everything has just always existed. One of these theories works to answer questions about creation and prove the existence of the Christian God; this theory is known as the Teleological argument. To expand my basis of knowledge on this subject I consulted Matthew Esters, who recently wrote about the same topic.…
God is the creator, and God’s creation is repeatedly stated to be good and to reveal God to the world. By saying that creation reveals God, Christians mean that something is learned about the nature of God through creation.…
According to Christianity, God is the self-existent One, having no need of being created, since He has existed forever and is the cause of all things, including the dimension of time, to which He is not subject. Likewise, God is not subject to the physical creation, but is spiritual in nature, residing in the spiritual dimensions of heaven. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes, “His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”…
God formed the natural world through his words as it is written in Genesis 1:1”In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”. In this he spoke into existence the universe and everything and contained within. This is a belief we have through the faith of the biblical context in which we read and study. In Romans 1:20 it is said, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse”. God is the…