In the Time of the Butterflies, written by Julia Alvarez, is the story of four sisters who take an emotional journey while becoming a symbol of hope in the corrupt Dominican Republic, as they seek to make a political revolution. Throughout the story, we dig deeper into each sister’s life and learn more about her individual traits. In the book, Alvarez makes the Mirabal sisters come alive throughout the book with her use of foreshadowing, detailed characterization, and selection of detail. The more the reader journeys farther into the book, the more the aforementioned devices become of importance…
1. Significance of the title: In In The Time Of The Butterflies, the Mirabal sisters referred to themselves as las mariposas, which translates to the butterflies in spanish. This book was written about the true story of the Mirabal sisters before their pass. For that reason, Alvarez wrote how it was in the time of the sisters’ leadership.…
Before the Industrial Revolution in England in the 1800s, the population of the Peppered Moth (Biston betularia ), was mostly a light color with dark spots which helped them blend in with England’s trees. The trees had dark trunks with light white colored lichen. Only a small percentage of dark colored moths existed in this population. The few dark colored moths were effortlessly picked out by birds and other visual predators because they were easily seen against the light background of the trees. When the Industrial Revolution started, the smoke from England’s coal plants darkened the trees by covering them with layers of soot, and killing off the lichen, and then exposing the dark trunks. Now the light colored moths stood out and were easily identified by predators. Over time, the dark colored moths which became best suited for the environment, kept reproducing until the new majority of the Peppered Moth population was almost all dark in color. The difference between Peppered Moths and other species that have undergone natural selection is that in the late 1900s, Britain and other countries started to clean up the air to reduce the amount of pollution, causing the light colored lichen on the trees to grow again and the…
The short stories “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” both by Edgar Allen Poe have many similarities as well as differences. The theme of death is very apparent when making a comparison between the two short stories. Though the terms of death differ greatly between the two stories, the aspect of death is a prevalent focus in both pieces of literature. In this essay I will compare and contrast the stories “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” in regards to the aspect of death that is apparent in both pieces of work.…
Using imagery is a smart way to engage an audience and keep someone on their seat to keep reading. Tim O'Brien uses imagery to connect and entertain his audience in an effective way. “..not love letters, but Lieutenant Cross was hoping, so he kept them folded in plastic... after a day's march, he would dig his foxhole, wash his hands under a canteen, unwrap the letters, hold them with the tips of his fingers, and spend the last hour of light pretending.. He wanted Martha to love him as he loved her” (1). This quote gives the reader evidence that imagery can create a new picture and really help you understand a story in a deeper level. This is more suitable than using facts because using facts can not create a vivid, lasting picture in the reader’s mind.…
It's important to have real goal and not just fly from corner to corner. Be outside the box. It's interesting how this important struggle for the moth was just part of nice and good day. It was important just for small bead, for her it was universal problem. Here we also can find a symbolism as I think. Our problems…
Every day the Earth faces an environmental dilemma that ranges from human factors such as factories which release chemicals into the atmosphere to natural causes such as floods and tornados. It has become hard to pin point which is the most threating to the ecosystem, but in recent times the introduction of an invasive species has played a big part in the wide spread changes in the ecosystem. Changes in an ecosystem can affect many species differently, if they are unable to adapt to the rapid alteration, this can lead to rapid habitat lost and even extinction of a species.…
the cage of butterflies is a novel by australian writer brian caswell which is aimed at young adults. it was first printed in 1992. there are 2 thematic concerns inside the story that i would like to discuss. the first concern is discrimination of the different and the second concern presented is the abuse of the young and powerless. I believe that the 2 concerns have been intentionally discussed and that they are a relevant problem to society that needs to be addressed.…
In the poem “The Lesson of the Moth” writer Don Marquis compares two different lifestyles through a free spirited moth and a logical thinking human. The moth states that it is better to be a part of beauty and excitement for one instant and then cease to exist forever and never be a part of beauty. I agree with the moth because I would much rather live a shorter life appreciating and experiencing a better connection to God’s creation and gaining a better understanding of the creator, then to have a long boring life of just sitting on the side. There are also several of examples throughout history of people dying young to the flame. For example, Mozart mastered music and toured Europe while composing several great works of music before dying at the young age of 35. Abraham Lincoln also accomplished many things before he died young. He said, “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” This means that it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s how you actually lived your life throughout the years that counts in the end. In the Bible however, James 4:14 reminds us how precious of a gift life is “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” Just like the pastor from the Motorcycle accident this week, this bible verse reminds us all of how close we are to the…
Do you fear death? It can be a terrifying thing. We can prolong it, but we can not escape it. Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Masque of the Red Death,” is an allegory of how unavoidable death is. There are many visual descriptions in the story to symbolize death. The use of this language and symbolism can be seen in the seventh room, the ebony clock and the fire. In this complex story, Edgar Allan Poe incorporates gob-smacking diction to portray the fearfulness of this “red death” along with vivid imagery of the situation, and symbolism to fully convey that death is inevitable.…
Just as language sways the emotions of the author, imagery is critical in the way the writer produces his or her literary pieces. Gustatory, visual, tactile, and auditory illustrations are found in this selection. Shakespeare writes, “buzzing night-flies” and “of sweetest melody,” these…
Vincent Millay has a negative mannerism about death coming soon. The author introduces negativity in her poem when, “Mark the transient butterfly/How he hangs upon the flower”(7-8). Here, it is understood that the butterfly in the flower is going to not live for much longer because it is “transient”. The author uses the word “hangs” which indicates that the butterfly does not have a very strong grip to the flower and seems to be not making a large effort to hold on because it is going to die soon. The idea of death coming soon is in Millay’s poem because it describes the butterfly as lasting for a short time and makes it seem to be weak in strength. The poet Edna St. Vincent Millay creates a deathlike theme throughout the poem. She additionally shows negativity when, ”Whether I be false or true,/Death comes in a day or two”(12-13). As it states, the author predicts that death for the butterfly will come in either one or two days. Because of the fact that Millay has the common topic of death in her poem, a negative tone is created. Throughout the poem “Mariposa” by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a negative feeling was created through the authors wording.…
Virginia Woolf describes a certain specimen of moth and how its simply ok with its simplicity and then goes on to describe the present day that the writer is living in. She grabs the readers interest and sets the tone for the remainder of the story. “Nevertheless the present specimen, with his narrow hay-colored wings, fringed with a tassel of the same color, seemed to be content with life. It was a pleasant morning,…
In the poem “ Fire - Caught ” it tells the unfortunate story about how a moth gave into temptation.…
Why is the “truth” so effective, or astonishing, on Broyard’s intoxicated state of his impending death? These questions can be answered by Virginia Woolf’s essay, “The Death of The Moth.” In the essay, Woolf is distracted by a moth that “[flutters] from side to side of his square of the window pane.” (105) Feeling compassionate for the “pathetic” creature, Woolf faces a dilemma on whether she should help the moth or not. (105) Eventually, she decides that she should not interfere the moth’s “dance,” or his its struggle in the face of death. (106) Unsurprisingly, the moth dies, earning the respect from Woolf. Woolf observes the moth as a symbol of life, exuding an aura of “vigor” and “zest”. (105) The entire essay depicts a cruel battle between life- the moth- and death, and ends with life succumbing to death. Woolf understands the omnipotent strength death possesses; she is cognizant of the fact that life is helplessness in front of…