In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman there is a contrast between what is real and what the characters believe as real. Some of the characters put themselves in different times and places and believe that what they are thinking is real. Others on the other hand know exactly what the reality of the situation may be and think about a time and place where the situation is not occurring. Throughout this play, the Loman family cannot discern these two kinds of reality. They tell a lie and after a certain period they start to believe that lie as real. This new kind of reality i. e., customized or reconstructed reality is evident throughout the whole of the play and eventually leads to the downfall of the main character, Willy.
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Basic reflection of reality (copying)
2. Perversion of reality (recopying again, but taking after the name of the former)
3. Pretense of reality (the copied is the true origin)
4. Simulacrum, which “bears no relation to any reality whatever” (nothing is real anymore- the Hyper real).
In Death of a Salesman the Loman family also creates their own hyper reality which replaces reality and becomes more real than real to …show more content…
Willy goes to past to escape reality and also to reconstruct reality. His heroes are his independent brothers, Ben, who boasts, “When I went into the jungle, I was seventeen. When I walked out I was twenty-one. And, by God, I was rich!”(Miller 37), and the perfect salesman, Dave Singleman who “without ever leaving his room, at the age of eighty four, he made his leaving” (Miller 63). Willy’s father is also included in this list. By memorizing these glorified people Willy makes a law that ‘a failure in society and in business has no right to live’. So, Willy must deceive himself if he is to live by his gospel of popularity because he is in no way a successful person at