2.Hannibal's trek across the Alps in 218 C.E. mimicked the actions of well-known leaders such as Alexander the Great and Mao Tse Tung, but Hannibal's journey towards
his brief takeover of Italy was different in the fact that despite his many hardships, such as the dying elephants of the attack of the native Alps people, he still overcame the trek and launched his surprise attack against the Roman city. eligious foundation under Leo III, the future pope.
4. The power struggle between the pope and the crown that lasted for more than a couple centuries had taken a different route because of the agreement between Pope Alexander III and Frederick Barbarossa, the Treaty of Venice, that created a peace between the two powers and proved a great milestone for the pope.
5. The disarray and rebellion that ocurred at Scotfield in 1381 was not simply caused by corrupt advisers and a young King Rinchard, but by the post Black Death population decrease and the rising taxes to make up for participation in the Hundred Years' War.