World-Class Theatre in the Heart of Vermont
703 Main Stre e t , W eston, V T 05161 www.westonplayhouse.o rg
The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company
The 2010 WPTC Teacher’s Workshop and the School Matinee and Touring Production is made possible in part by grants from:
The Bay and Paul Foundations Mountain Room Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Shubert Foundation The Vermont Country Store and The Orton Family Vermont Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities With additional contributions from: Black River Produce Berkshire Bank Clark’s Quality Foods Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Okemo Mountain Resort Thrifty Attic …and an ever growing family of individuals who believe in the impact that the performing arts can have on its community.
This Teachers Study Guide was compiled and edited by Rena Murman. Credit and thanks to the following theatres for materials used or referenced from study guides created for Death of a Salesman: Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, MN; Kennedy Center, Washington, DC; Lyric Theatre, London; Royal Lyceum Theatre Company, Edinburgh; Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT.
© 2010 Weston Playhouse Theatre Company, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and cultural institution. WPTC Performance Guides may be duplicated at no charge for educational purposes only. They may not be sold or used in other publications without the express written consent of the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company.
Weston Playhouse Theatre Company
Weston Playhouse Theatre Company DEATH OF A SALESMAN
Study Guide for Teachers TABLE OF CONTENTS
Introduction Interview with Director Steve Stettler The Playwright Arthur Miller in his own words Inspiration for Death of a Salesman Writing Death of a Salesman The Characters Synopsis The Setting Themes Motifs Style, Structure, Form Literary Connections CURRICULUM MATERIALS Before the Play Questions for the Play