April 6, 2014
English 101
Professor Cooke
Report Draft#2 Should the death penalty be treated as a punishment to violent criminals? “Punishments are imposed on persons, not on…economic groups. Guilt is personal. The only relevant question is: does the person to be executed deserve the punishment? Whether or not others deserved the same punishment, whatever the economic or racial group, have avoided execution is irrelevant.”
(ProCon.org)”. I am interested in this topic because I've read plenty of articles and watched documentaries where people have been wrongfully convicted for crimes that they didn’t commit and are sentenced with the death penalty. A fews years later new evidencde & DNA surfaces and they (Judicial
System) realized the wrong individual was convicted and put to death for nothing. Now what? I believe that any individual who commits a crime should be punished for it, however,the death penalty should not be used as a method of punishment during sentencing. Today, there are debate on whether the death penalty is economically, morally, and legally justifiable, or still just cruel and inhumane.
Prior to doing this report I knew that congress or state legislature can issue the capital punishment also known as the death penalty. Which is when a person is put to death by a lethal injection in most cases by the state as a punishment for a crime such as murder. These type of crimes are known as capital crimes or capital offences. I also knew that the death penalty in the U.S and other countries is discriminatory against the poor, minorities, and members of racial ethnicity and religious communities.
Furthermore this law have caused plenty of innocent individuals their lives. Although this act have being going on since the beginning of time it’s cruel and violation of human rights.
I obtain majority of my information from various websites like deathpenaltyinfo.org aka DPIC
(Death Penalty