Nate Tomilonus
POS 2041-American National Government
Essay Number 3
657 words I personally believe the death penalty is far too harsh of a punishment for an individual then needed.
I personally believe the death penalty is far too harsh of a punishment for an individual then needed. I believe life in prison is the correct response. Life in prison not only gives the individual a chance to change but it also shows them a new perspective on life. On the other side, prison also tortures the person, considering prison is hell on earth. It also has them spend there rest of their life, knowing they will never be able to get out. But on the other hand the death penalty does strike fear into people. Which this has them second guess there decisions. It also keeps are prisons from being over stocked. The death penalty not only takes away a life but also tears apart family. At least with the prison for life aspect, family members will still be able to see them. The death penalty also acts as a revenge tactic which is not a good example for our country. The death penalty is a very controversial subject and an important topic as well. One example against the death penalty is; it is very hypocritical. How can our nation be so much against murder but then commit the same act? If our nation is attempting to teach us not to murder. Then our nation should refuse to partake in the act. Although the death penalty does strike fear into people. Because the thought of being executed is probably far more frightening then life in prison. Yes, some people do say prison is hell on earth. For instance the fact of knowing you will never be free again. Or being surrounded by harmful and senseless people, and also being raped and beaten daily. Prison for life also teaches a lesson to the murderers. If the murderer is put to death, they are taught precisely nothing at all, because they aren’t alive to learn from it. We can’t rehabilitate someone by