Thesis Statement:
I completely disagree that the death penalty deters people for committing murder.
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The start of my research began by investigating the view points of those who believe the death penalty deter people from committing murder. I began with the Gale opposing viewpoints context in the ASA online database which are tools I used to explore current topics that include pro/con view point essay’s and topic overviews. The first review that I have found is the opposing: “Death Penalty Does Not Deter Crime” (2013), in this article the writer speaks about criminals who believed that their possible chances of going to jail was at a maximum after committing the crime. Their attitudes toward the death penalty was at an all-time low. Threatening criminals with death is not a deterrent if you are largely unable to carry out with that threat with hardcore evidence. In South Africa, …show more content…
it was said they believed that reintroduction of the death penalty would bring down the crime rate, by supporting the belief that a draconian legal system in itself reduces crime. The second article: “Death Penalty Is Dead Wrong: It’s Time to Outlaw Capital Punishment in America- Completely” (2013) was also found in the opposing review points context, however I research the subject that provided me with details of Capital Punishment. In this article, Mario M Cuomo, the former governor of New York argued that the death penalty is wrong on several different levels, and that it is an ineffective form of punishment and has killed many innocent. It is said in the article that the true life imprisonment is a more effective deterrent than Capital Punishment. To most inmates, the thoughts of living a whole lifetime behind bars only to die in a cell is worse than the quick, final termination of the electric chair of lethal injection. In 1995, an inmate was due to be executed in New York but was sent to back Oklahoma to be executed, on the night before he died, he left Cuomo a note saying, “Tell Governor Cuomo I would rather be executed than serve life behind bars”. Governor Cuomo believes that execution is bad for a democratic citizenry. “Why Death – Penalty Opponents Can’t Win” (2013) is the third article source which was also found in the Gale opposing review points, this article discusses the opponents of the death penalty, believes that no one deserves to be executed so they spend all of their energy cherry picking cases, gumming up the legal system, and talking about uncertainty. The opponents believe that if you cannot be certain about a crime you shouldn’t be so certain about the death penalty.
According to the article, “Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished” (2012), which is also found in the Gale opposing review context. This statement was given by the Yale University Chapter of Amnesty International before the Joint committee on Judiciary, Connecticut General Assembly in support of repealing the Death Penalty on March 7. 2011. The Amnesty International campaigns are against the death penalty worldwide because the death penalty they believe is a fundamental, irreversible denial of human rights. They believe it is an affront to the human dignity and perpetuates a cycle of violence that constitutes state affirmation of the expendability of human life. Two years ago, the Connecticut State Legislature voted to abolish the death penalty. They believe that the death penalty creates additional victims and is a false promise to victims; the victims begin to believe that the pain they feel will be taking away if the person who committed that murder was brought to death. This false hope leaves the victims confused and hurt, to believe that you may feel certain away after the death of another human being in insanity.
Finally to conclude, the Gale opposing viewpoints context is where you can find many articles and different review points on a specific topic.
I have chosen ASA online data base because of the tools to explore current topics that include pro/con view point essays and topic overviews. I have chosen these articles to show the dislike in the death penalty. I believe that the death penalty doesn’t deter people from committing murder only because the death penalty is not a form of justice to certain people. People don’t believe in an eye for an eye of a tooth for a tooth. In today’s society people feel like committing murder is a form of vengeance or away to release anger. I think if the death penalty was implemented the way jail is than people would think before they acted. It wouldn’t be options as to if they’re going to jail or if we should fight for the death penalty. People do as the please because the can. The death penalty isn’t something to think about when you commit
Source of Citations
Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished." Capital Punishment: Cruel and Unusual? Kim Masters Evans. 2012 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Information plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2014.
Goldberg, Jonah. "Why Death-Penalty Opponents Can 't Win." Rpt. in the Death Penalty. Ed. Jenny Cromie and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Green haven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2014.
Cuomo, Mario M. "Death Penalty Is Dead Wrong: It 's Time to Outlaw Capital Punishment in America—Completely." New York Daily News 2 Oct. 2011. Rpt. in the Death Penalty. Ed.
Jenny Cromie and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Green haven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2014.
Weil, Jack. "The Death Penalty Does Not Deter Crime." The Death Penalty. Ed. Jenny Cromie and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Green haven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "The Death Penalty Isn 't the Answer to Crime Woes." Star 4 Nov. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2014.