I am a high school junior, every day I get 12+ pages of homework minimum. Because I cannot possibly do all of this and help around the house as I am the only one able to do so, and therefore I have no time to study my material and therefore my test grades suffer as a result.
Homework is like slavery.
It's basically forcing students to go home after a stressful day of school and activities and do pointless homework. Teachers should be teaching these things in class, not making the students learn it themselves. It's preventing children from leading balanced lifestyles, with a healthy amount of sleep and activities to keep them fit and active. How is a student supposed to do 3 to 4 hours of homework, study for a plethora of tests and quizzes, play sports, get involved in the community, eat food with nutritional value, and get an adequate amount of sleep, all in one day? That's not possible. The amount of stress homework causes kids is ridiculous, especially when they're already under so much pressure to get into a good college and do well in school, along with making friends and staying active. Homework is not necessary.
Homework should be banned because it just isn't useful and wastes time.
Homework is pointless because kids do enough work in school and they don't need more. When they come home they want to chill out, hang out with friends, or do something. Kids are in school for 8 hours a day doing work, other than lunch and recess. Homework is not relevant for kids. I did a survey at school at resource, and a majority of kids say that homework should be banned in school because it is stressful and they procrastinate until the last second. There is no point in homework. It takes away from spending time with family. According to the text with research 'Homework Should be Banned,' “Schools has increased from 9 to 3 with 1 ½ hour of recess and lunch to 8:40 to 3:15 with only 30 minutes of lunch and recess.” This quote shows that too