Ideas that Shaped the Modern World
Course Code: CC88286-0101 (Wed)
In a parallel universe, Adolf Hitler was in a court trial for the Nazi party's human experimentation, sterilization program and genocide during WWII. John Locke was the prosecuting lawyer and Hitler invited Jeremy Bentham to be his defending lawyer. Write a report of the trial recording the debate between Locke and Bentham and the court's final judgment.
Name: Ma Wai Ching
Student ID: 10555573
Lecturer: Danny Leung
No. of words: 516
Adolf Hitler was in a court trial for the Nazi party's human experimentation, sterilization program and genocide during WWII. John Locke was the prosecuting lawyer who advocates liberalism while Jeremy Bentham was the defending lawyer of Hitler who advocates utilitarianism. The Nazi’s party’s acts are said to be torturing and inhumane. This report records the debate between Locke and Bentham and the court’s final judgment.
John Locke argued that all people have natural rights. So, it means that all people have the right to life, right to liberty and right to property. Besides, the government role is to protect our basic natural rights and maintain social justice.1 In what Nazi’s Party did in their human experiment, sterilization program and genocide, they had violated the human rights which are inappropriate according to John Locke. In the first place, the human experiments violated a large number of prisoners’ right to life and right to liberty, who are mainly Jews. They were also taking away their dignity. Besides, the Nazi’s Party neglected the willingness of the experimenters who were never informed consent.2The one who were forced to participate are resulted in permanently disability or even death. For the sterilization program, the Nazi Party applied the eugenic policy to sterilize the one who is considered to be defective person such as mentally-ill, deaf, blind, etc. They applied the policy to avoid the