First I'd like to talk about...
Today I will be talking to you about other areas in which we can save rather than taxing pensions or cutting social welfare, and some of the laughable areas the government are currently spending money. There has been considerable media clamour in recent weeks about what may or may not appear in Decembers budget. Speculation aside, the figures are stark. €3.5 billion I sthe target the Government has set itself this year in order to achieve the Troika's targets for deficit reduction by reduction by 2015. This is a huge chunk of money to extract. We understand that everyone must help to get us out of this situation but we believe that the Government can save moeny in areas other thatn cutting welfare or taxing pensions.
Allowances are payments made to staff in the public service on top of basic salary. They cover areas ranging from dangerous or dirty jobs to compensation for working at night or weekends. The Government estimates about 1,100 allowances are paid to staff in the Civil Service, Health Service, local authorties, the Garda and the Defence Forces. They cost about €1.5 billion a year. There are massive savings to be made here. Currently there are 30,000 Civil Servants are given €65 per annum to buy appropriate SHOES. This amounts to €1.95 million a year. This may not make much of a dent into the €3.5 billion we need but at least its a start. Other unecessary allowances in the Civil Service include a franking allowance, a forklift allowance and a uniform cleaning allowance. However, the most bizarre allowance I have come across is in the Defence Forces. Here, female members are given an