Ms. Pacheco last permanent address was located at 156 Union Ave. Bronx, NY from 2008 until 2014; Ms. Pacheco stated that she got a new apartment but she did not remember the address. However, the family lost both apartments, client did not disclose the reason of apartment lost. At the moment client is currently residing at 976 Tinton Ave. Unit # 13. Family admission date was 10/17/2014. Family consists of CHRISTINA PACHECO (self, 32y); PEDRO GARCIA (child, 15); LINDA GARCIA (child, 14y); ISIAH GARCIA (child, 12y); CARMEN BUZZIZ (child, 8y); ISSAC BUZZIZ (child, 2y); LINDA GARCIA (child, 0y). Ms. Pacheco stated that no one else is moving with the family if peramenent residency is found. Also, Ms. Pacheco informed HS that she has not been convicted of a crime or been in parole.…
The reporting party stated Cera and her son Jake AWOL'd from the facility and had not returned. Information was obtained from another resident, Bobbi Thomas who stated Cera and her friend Briella age 17 and her 1 month old child were gone the weekend as they were "going on the blade" referring to they were prostituting. Subsequently was reported both teen moms went their babies with other people/friends who were staying in the hotel room. It was unknown if the babies are in the same hotel or hotel room as the mothers while they are actively prostituting. Bobbie stated the mothers are reporting their babies are safe. According to the reporting party there are no restrictions on with whom the mother can leave their children. The reporting party has limited information and not sure the information obtained is accurate. The reporting has no idea where the mothers and babies could be. Additionally the reporting party has no information regarding the friends who are caring for the…
Nataiya is a former foster child. She was living in the home with her mother (Marilyn). On the night of 2-29-16, Marilyn put Nataiya and the children out of the home. Nataiya was disrespecting Marilyn’s home by using drugs and brining in men. As of 2-29-16, Nataiya and the children became homeless. Nataiya went into the DHS office on 3-1-16, because she is homeless. Marilyn does not want Nataiya back in the home, but is willing to get the children. DHS is going to do a safety plan for the children to go with the grandmother until an assessment is done on the mother.…
On Sunday night, Sam went to the home to get his school stuff. Genia told him to get all of his stuff. Genia has said if Sam comes back to her home, she will make sure he ends up in the juvenile detention center. Per reporter, it is unknown if Sam has failed school. Genia said he already failed and is a drop out. Sam said he will pass. Per reporter, he won't pass because at the end of the week he will have missed 4 weeks of school. Reporter stated the school won't tell them anything. The school won't do anything because Sam was 17 at the start of his senior year. Reporter stated Sam is scared to go back to the home because Dennis told him he will beat his ass when he turns 18. Per reporter, Dennis drinks too. Sam said Dennis has no teeth and his breath stinks. Per reporter, on yesterday, Angie and Genia started to scream at each other and it turned into a fight. Angie hung up on Genia. Reporter called Genia back. Genia said if the school gets involved, she will say Sam did this and ranaway. Per reporter, Sam left the home to get away from Genia. Dennis let Sam leave in his brother's Dodge Ram. Reporter stated the truck needed brakes and brake and power steering fluid.…
Family is currently residing at 1195 Sherman Ave. Bronx, NY Unit . Family composition consist of Angela Gilchrist (self, 27y); Dennis Straker (fiancé, 34y); Gabriel Riley-Green (son, 9y); Myasia Straker (daughter, 6y); Nevean Straker (daughter, 3y). Ms. Gilchrist stated that no one else will move in if an apartment is obtain. Ms. Gilchrist also informed…
Complaints were made on a six-person family living in ill conditions at 93 Little Hobart Street. The family is comprised of Rex Walls, Rose Mary Walls, and their four children: Lori Walls, age sixteen, Jeannette Walls, age thirteen, Brian Walls, age twelve, and Maureen Walls, age eight. When the house was checked out, it was noted that the porch in the front of the house is drooping, only supported by tall, cinder-block pillars (Walls 150). The house’s paint has faded from possibly white to dismal gray. The cement stairs tilted downward toward the street, followed by a set of wooden stairs, made from two-by-fours. It was noted that there was no indoor plumbing. However, there was a tiny room with just a toilet and a spigot underneath one of…
to get them but Billie is hiding in a tree to escape from some of the bigger boys. His sister steps…
With the barrel of her musket propped firmly on the limb of a tree, Charity took steady aim at the deer. The medium-sized buck was grazing at the edge of a thicket of wax myrtles, near where she saw the deer tracks the day before. John and Uriah were squatting in the bushes behind her. She had brought them along to help with the bleeding out of the deer, should she kill one, and to help carry it back to camp. They could then dress it out and help her prepare the meat for making jerky and so forth. She also hoped to can some of the meat so that it would last a lot longer. She was glad that Nancy had shown her how and taught her how to preserve food in glass jars- it was much better than having to dry it all into tough leather strips… Taking careful aim, Charity squeezed the trigger, while saying a quick prayer that the bullet would hit its mark. She was worried that she wasn't close enough to the deer, but if she had tried to get any closer, it would have seen her and ran off into the woods.…
Linda Hogan’s poem “Heritage” is an insight into all the things the speaker feels they inherited from their family. As I was reading “Heritage”, I was thinking about my family and everything I inherited from them. This poem made me think not just about the concrete things I inherited like hair color, but also the behaviors and emotions I learned from growing up with family. This poem talks about how the speaker inherited certain traits from his parents, uncle, and grandparents. This made me think of all the things I inherited and learned from all parts of my family.…
Client is an eight year old, Caucasian female. The client’s mother, age 31, works out of the home. She in not married or in a relationship at this time. Client’s mother is the sole provider for client and her bother, age 10. Client’s mother stated that, “their dad left when she was just a baby and they have had no contact with him since”. Client’s mother stated that client’s dad would drink beer on a regular basis during the time in which they were married. Client’s mother voiced that she and client’s father would argue in front of the children before he left, but they were never violent. Client’s mother voiced that she does not drink alcohol or take drugs and never has. Client’s mother stated that she has never been in jail or in trouble with the law. The current legal status of client’s father is unknown at this time, as he now lives “out of state”. Client’s mother has never remarried and has not brought any boyfriends around the children. Client’s mother stated that client interacts well with her brother, but “they start out playing nice then they get rough and someone starts to cry”.…
A 72 year old grandmother, Mary, is raising her 13 year old grandchild, Jenny. Jenny’s mother rarely visits with the family as she is involved in a drug life style. Jenny’s father is incarcerated for possession and sale of illegal substances and does not maintain contact with Jenny or Mary. Mary complains that she has no transportation to run the errands needed for her and Jenny. Mary also has diabetes and it is not sure if she is taking her medication. Jenny is often seen in the same clothes and appears to be unkept…
When the caseworker arrived, she observed that the apartment had no lights and that food was spoiling in the refrigerator. Lisa explained that she did not have the money to pay her electric bill that month, but would have the money in a few weeks. She asked whether the caseworker could help get them into a family shelter.The caseworker promised she would help--but left Lisa in the apartment and took the children, who were then placed in foster care.…
As viewing the show I observed Curtis Payne getting up every day going to work. Curtis Payne is the chief of the fire department tin Atlanta, Georgia. Ella Payne fixes breakfast for Curtis before he goes to work. Her grown son Calvin, her nephew C.J. and his two kids starts feeding their face. Ella Payne maintains the house by cooking, cleaning, and shopping. C.J. is a passionate husband and father of his children. C.J. and his family first come to stay with his aunt and uncle because his wife was on drugs and she set the house on fire and they became homeless. Curtis was running around the sofa shaking his head and waving his hands back and forth. Ella was standing there shaking her hands, and pointing her fingers at Curtis. My interpretation of these movements was that Curtis did not want C.J. and his family to move in their house with them. He started having…
e coming over and using her house to do drugs so she got evicted and bec…
* A recent policy was implemented by Anytown’s Department of Job and Family Services regarding the issue of child endangerment. Any household that has one or more documented offense of domestic violence, child abuse, or drug or alcohol related offenses committed by the mother, father, guardian, and/or caregiver, will result in the removal of any child or children from the home.…