Debra Ferguson
AIU Online
Goal setting is not something I do naturally. However, I’ve adopted it to help manage a Dermatology practice. It helped provide me with a sense of direction, peace of mind, and a much needed decrease in stress. Setting goals have kept me focused on achieving what I set out for in my profession, and will definitely benefit me as a student. Accomplishing my goals will rely on, creating an action plan, having a strong support system, and setting time frames for success benchmarks.
My plan of action is to submit assignments in a timely manner, excel as a student, gain new knowledge that I will utilize as a business owner, and earn a graduate degree in Business. To help achieve my goals, I manage my time wisely, by creating weekly schedules with blocked times that are designated for studying, posting to Discussion Boards, checking emails, and working on assignments. My schedules are created with Google Calendar, because I can synch it with my cell phone. This allows me to set notification reminders that help me focus and keep track of the time I set to accomplish goals. Just in case life throws a curve ball and knocks me off schedule, a To Do list will be created to help ensure that I meet my daily goal(s). This will be used as a guide to help tackle what needs to be done when given the opportunity.
My husband and sister play major roles in my support system. They hold me accountable, encourage me to overcome fears, and challenge me to turn weaknesses into strengths. Their constructive criticism is not always pleasant to hear, but I listen and embrace what they say with an open mind, because it helps give me clarity on the things I need to change. Learning to handle constructive criticism well, has helped me grow in many aspects of my life, and will definitely help me grow as a student.
My time frame for assignments are based on the dates they are due and their level of importance, but