The social pressure to feel shame and stigma connected to sex work too must be taken into account as according to the Economic Approach, it is these costs that mean that prostitution is legally impermissible as its net social costs are disproportionately high and the transactions decrease social benefit.
• Much of the cost of prostitution depends on it already being illegal. It is Satz’ view is that the economic approach takes the structural background of prostitution for granted.
• Is it permissible? According to Satz, yes. Her view tells us that some values are beyond cost benefit analysis. Regarding prostitution, it is about the individual and what can be done to them, not the social benefit.
Essentialist Approach
• The essentialist approach is different in that it questions the moral and legal permissibility of prostitution. It argues that there is some fundamental part of sex which makes its commodification wrong, as sex can’t be sold without harming the self as sexuality is part of deep self-hood. Those such as Margaret Radin argue that sex impedes flourishing as selling sex undermines intimacy and the ability to understand consent in sexual