Odysseus utilizes deceit and dishonesty in a wrongful manner when he decides to hide the truth from his crew that if they continued in his lead, that they would all be dead except for Odysseus. Odysseus went on to the underworld to find Teiresias so that he can see if his desires to go home to his wife and son will be fulfilled. Teiresias told Odysseus that his …show more content…
However, it can be clearly seen that his goal is just to satisfy himself and throughout his journey his deceit and dishonesty resulted in many misdemeanors. Odysseus caused his crew a great amount of trouble in many situations. Even though in difficult times, Odysseus was wise, those times would not have had to come if he had been honest and thoughtful with his actions. Odysseus lead his crew to the island of Aeolia. There the wind king gave Odysseus a bag which had all the stormy winds that would have been in their path in it. Odysseus did not tell his crew what was in the bag, so they remained suspicious about it. They then grow “curious and suspicious [and then the] sailors open the bag, thinking it contains treasure…” which results in the whole ship being blown all the way back to the island of Aeolia(Holt 673). As the reader can see Odysseus could have just told his crew what was in the bag and what was in it, instead he decides to be deceitful and not tell them. This makes his crew very curious so they open it which blows them back to the island. The author displays that Odysseus was not a very good leader because it seems that he doesn't know how to be honest and trustful or to at least use his deceit and dishonesty for a beneficial reason. Later on in the story, Odysseus leads his crew to the home of Circe, the Enchantress. After facing much